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    "I’m supremely grossed out by the thought of Three Dog Night’s Chuck Negron having sex with 12 women in four hours."
    Now I'm just going to assume that that escapade is what inspired the name "Three Dog Night." You can't sleep with 12 women in one night and have them all be knockouts, can you? Still, that's .750

    The worst part of the whole disco plotline was that the only people who started dancing to Indigo at first were the few people in the club already dressed in stereotypical disco outfits.

    That scene where Corso gets killed was great for multiple reasons: Hopefully it'll just help tie up/eliminate the whole Buck Rodgers murder plotline, which was just the worst from the get-go and unnecessary. I didn't start watching this show for a murder/suspense story. And secondly, it's some minor wish fulfillment

    The scenes between Hannah and Tally were legitimately the only scenes of this whole season where Hannah wasn't the worst person on earth. They were pretty great, and kind of the only scenes with Hannah that felt like real people were talking.

    That graphic designeR should be fired for not making the title "2OMBIELAND"

    Ugh, it bothers me that i even know what that is… Still, a movie that's only half-DC would probably be better than anything DC is doing on their own. At this point I'd rather just see them develop Elseworlds stories into movies. I'd much rather see something like Red Son than any of the turds they're pushing out now.

    i wasn't on board with this until that gif, and then I thought "This is exactly what the internet is for."

    Jesca is one apostrophe away from being a Martian name

    As far as Iron & Wine collaborations go, I still like the album with Calexico the best. Thought that as a pretty perfect match.

    I'm confused on the different levels of zombiedom… The scientist who took the utopium and the max rager… Can they eventually scale it back to Liv-like levels, or do they go full Romero? Do zombies who are made through getting scratched a level down from the ones who originated through the utopium/max rager combo?

    "(of which we did not see Don E actually die, so see you next season, buddy)"
    OR we get yet another brother, Ron E. I'm hoping for a new one of those guys every season.

    I like that this show is opening up all sorts of possibilities for the 3rd season, but I'm a little worried it'll lose some of the case-of-the-week punch that I actually like so much about this show. Usually in serialized stories I just want the main narrative to advance, but they do the week-to-week murder cases so

    I think part of the reason she was able to take out a horde of zombies by herself, in retrospect, was because they zombies didn't read her as a human. Even with all those guns she probably would've gotten swarmed.

    If they're going to be mashing together film franchises, they should've done a Ghostbusters crossover. Not sure if 21 Jump Street or MiB would work better, but i'd probably see either/both. On cable. or a plane.

    Are they infiltrating it and going undercover again though? Are they posing as aliens? SO MANY QUESTIONS.

    This really should be MiB 21, shouldn't it? Or Men in 21 Black Street?

    I joked to my wife that I was going to try to hire Lamorne Morris, whom she LOVES, to come to her next birthday party and she got unreasonably excited. Then, as we were going to sleep, she mentioned how attractive that Sam guy is. Might have to stop watching this show.

    I don't think Vulvatron could ever be described as a frontperson for GWAR. Blothar and she were in the bad at the same time, and Blothar hit the stage before Vulvatron came out and stood front and center. Vulvatron took lead on a few songs, but i think they positioned Blothar as the new frontman from the get-go.

    "SWINGING into theaters"