Hal Jordan

Your right the affair's acting blows Matt and woodys acting out of the water. Haha

Most of the cliches in true detective were on purpose. Hence the name true detective, which is making fun of the genre. Marty even makes a reference in one of the last episodes. Glad so many brainiacs caught that.

This show is awful. And now they are stretching this into a second season. Enjoy.

I'm sorry this guiding light show is groundbreaking.

Please, the ending was fine and realistic. Rust even says we didn't get all of them. And even became some what hopeful even though he was a bleak character. The affair is lame. They are doing a second season which means the finale will not mean a thing. And you've wasted your time.


It's kind of a disservice to women when everytime a woman is upset in tv land, she will sleep with anybody, even the town villain. It's a cheap trick and very repetitive.

This show wishes it could replicate true detective. Oscar the one note villain is now part of a sex triangle. This show has turned into a glorified soap opera. How dare you even mention true detective in the same breadth as this shit.

This show has no right to even be mentioned in the same league as true detective. True detective had so many layers to the story and created a tv badass in rust. This show has been fucking boring. I keep watching every episode hoping it will pickup but it sucks. The acting is nothing special.

You don't like the sopranos ending because you're slow. Tony gets killed in the diner. Why do you think they were showing meadow having trouble parking her car? Because if she got there in time she would have sat next to Tony and blocked the shot. Why do you think they repeated Bobby's comments about being killed

Graham Greene is a really bad actor. When he was supposed to be fuming at that guy in his kitchen, it was laughable. I actually thought, wow that was bad. I could totally be an actor on SyFy.

Did you even read your statement? You retard. "While it's true that many or event most abusers have been abused". But then you quibble with someone saying abused tend to become abusers. Damn you're stupid.