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    People have been trying for a truly impressive length of time to get a gender neutral pronoun in to the English language - well before there was even a gender-neutral community around to insist on one. It's actually kind of an interesting history - e.g., https://www.merriam-webster…
    In her Master’s thesis from 1991

    If it's that he's just really, really hungover I will be so happy.

    Who would ever think a saying would die out within only a couple hundred years of the religion it came from? Jupiter's cock!

    Jon Snow: "Lords! I must go South. So I leave you all in the capable hands of the person whose judgement I disagree completely with about like every single thing!"
    Sansa: "What!? That's… ok no never mind have fun down there!"

    Jon Snow: "Ok, this time you'll say I'm wrong because [whatever], but make sure to say it really unconvincingly ok?"
    Sansa: "Yes Jon obviously I taught you this game remember?"

    I keep getting baffled by the refusal of the people in the north to just have evidence of the threat. Look: the dead come to life. Just take someone who is dead, them in a cage, and take that shit with you! Spooky stories are fine and, hey, maybe someone will believe you. But "ok but look here at this zombie I

    Ok was anyone else disappointed by Qyburn's invention? I mean, we're talking about someone who has, previously, brought the dead back to weird zombie-life. Now it's "Your grace, allow me to show you my great, Dragon-killing-est invention! We worked for months on this! It's …. a larger than normal crossbow!"


    I.. really like this way of thinking about the Hulk. Why was he so angry/incoherent before? He was a BABY. That's how they are.

    From what I've seen I strongly suspect that that is exactly what a lot of those people went to law school to do.

    Young-Coulson: Captain Danvers - take this gun with you, you'll need it.

    Whistleblower: You guys! The United States Government has a secret super agent working for it. As in, they can shrug off bullets and survive in space and…

    I don't know if we know what deal he actually struck, but I'm guessing it did include something like jail time (that's what Chuck was gaming out in terms of deals early on in the episode).

    He says it defensively enough that you know that he was really into it, too.

    I was really, really hoping that Connerty would immediately bring up "beef" because, come on now Chuck give me a break.

    Lara had a business rival framed and charged with pimping because she was annoyed that anyone at all was going to compete with her stupid idea.

    And kale chips take like 10 minutes and really are the most painfully* addictive thing out there. They're just chopped up kale tossed with olive oil and put in the oven with some salt on it for however long it takes them to be crispy. You don't even need a particular oven temperature - anything between three and

    I want to know whether or not that disaster was (1) part of the actual channel or something they didn't put out there because it was a disaster and (2) whether the videos are all disasters like that one.

    Man, harsh realm.

    Ironic Normcore is, like, super-advanced level hipster.