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    It's funny you should say that because I happen to have Nicholas of Cusa, Erasmus, John Major, Thomas More, and LEONARDO DA VINCI right here….

    "people don't get hurt/taken" s/b "people don't get hurt/Kraken"

    I'm pretty sure that the number of eggs you'd need to take to make 1,300 pregnancies is way more than 1,300, unless they're assuming even more magical science than we've seen so far.

    I really wanted this too. I mean, I assumed he would have given her an unloaded gun but seriously if you hold a gun like that sometime it becomes way more obvious why pistol-whipping is a thing. They are seriously very well built to bash someone with.

    Having Ryan Reynolds play him but refusing to admit, even in the credits, that it wasn't Tatiana Maslany would be pretty amazing.

    Delphine is a very pretty person but she is not a good partner in any way.

    Really "grabbing it and yanking hard" would almost certainly be enough. Chickenwire isn't exactly highly resistant to force. We don't call it Rhino wire for a reason…

    I sort of assumed that the fact that that nun lives there was part of the reason why Helena would be at that convent/whatever.

    Yeah but he went to Borneo. Everyone lives forever in Borneo. That's just common knowledge.

    Sort of but it's going to take a while. I mean, he's just sort of plodding along and it's over 1,700 miles from Las Vegas to New Orleans. Google maps says that would take about 24 days of walking, and honestly I'm pretty sure that he walks a lot slower than they're assuming for calculation.

    In the show he just comes off as someone who walks around vaguely murdering people without caring very much. In the comic it's clear he just hates everyone and everything, which is why he's always killing people. It makes him a lot more vivid and, if anything, more of an actual character as opposed to just something

    I can't see any problem with movies going back to an older style longer-one-shorter-one package, either.

    As someone who lives in a city with dedicated bike paths for commuters I can assure you that starting around early summer it is impossible not to realize that there are a lot of larpers out there with fantasy cycling teams.

    It really is incredibly funny in a way that SNL movies aren't supposed to be.

    I think there's a significant difference between Capaldi and Tennant's reluctance not to regenerate. Tennant's Doctor didn't want to largely out of vanity and a kind of self-indulgent desire for that version of him to be the one that got to keep running around (see also: the time he tried to regenerate into himself).

    I really really liked that, first, they had an actual explanation for why they couldn't just get out of there on the TARDIS that wasn't "it's locked behind that door accidentally", and that it was such a good one.

    Failure to vaccinate your kids puts other people at risk even if you are on a private island - because the kids are people all on their own!

    I really hope he does a fakeout with some absolutely ridiculous choices just for the reaction of the fanbase.

    One good way to build on the Master/Missy test run would be to have the Doctor played by Michelle Gomez!