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    It's not really even a principle of doctors - if it was, for example, surgery would never be a thing. It is a nice slogan though.

    The different versions are generally attempts to figure out a distinction between the two cases that makes sense - e.g., "the difference between the two is that in the second case you're causing a harm and in the first you're allowing one to take place" and they give a third or more scenario's that support that

    "… and that's not even how it happened!"
    "Wait Doctor what do you"
    "Forget I said anything."

    I choose to believe that the first thing the Ice Warriors are going to do when the Alpha Centaurans arrive and take them somewhere more hospitable is to murder everyone there and claim it as the beginning of their new empire. Sorry Alpha Centaurans! You probably shouldn't have taken them back to your home.

    People do pretty much agree. That's the root of the problem.

    Also wouldn't a trolley have a better safety backup and who let's passersby fiddle with track switches and couldn't you yell at the people on the tracks or throw something at them and why wouldn't they hear the trolley blah blah blah blah blah. If we all understand that murder is rarely the best choice then… hey look

    PS: if the "almost everyone" bit makes anyone feel like they're clever and/or more logical than other people you should know that the people who don't see a problem here are, pretty much entirely, psychopaths. So, good luck there.

    In case people are curious this is the actual trolley problem:
    1. There's a runaway trolley blah blah blah should you divert the trolley to the track where it will kill one person rather than ignore it and let it kill five people?
    2. If person goes into a hospital for a routine surgical-ish procedure, and the surgeon

    Oh they'll count as German soon enough.

    That sounds like the kind of approach that falls prey to the "sick people are less likely to go out and do stuff and have an active social life" problem. If they don't have a really good control for it they'd probably end up discovering that the same thing even even more true of going clubbing every weekend, or

    The Romans really weren't the ones who cared much about it, though - Jesus was tried and convicted by the local authorities. The Romans just happened to be the people in charge overall and responsible for that kind of thing.

    It's true - but where that goes plot-wise isn't necessarily obvious. Or at least it isn't obvious from the fact that he's a bad guy. I mean, Mr Wednesday is clearly not a good guy either..

    Mars uses the weapons, but Vulcan makes them. (And Mars uses them in war, specifically, so the god-of-gun-culture thing wouldn't work there.)

    It's more that while both that area and Pennsylvania Dutch have clearly German foods they're nevertheless pretty distinct in a lot of ways. Sausage is a good example, though. My guess is that it's different regions of Germany - in that area of Pennsylvania it's a pretty specific set of places rather than a general

    All of those examples you gave sound like factually correct descriptions of the world.

    You let people know about the good ones and before you know it you're overrun with New Yorkers and people from LA.

    Rhubarb pie is infinitely superior to strawberry rhubarb pie. The fact that most rhubarb pies end up contaminated like that is a tragedy.

    Just wait till you see what the side "salad" is…

    Occasionally I remember that the chow mein sandwich is a thing, and end up spending a couple minutes trying to figure out what people thought they were doing, and still think they're doing.

    If you look closely you'll see that giggleloop and Stichface have spelled the name of the sandwich differently. Now by the traditions of our people they must fight to the death.