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    "We cannot let this Chitauri invasion go unanswered! I declare war on Qurac!"*

    In the comics at least Diamondback is Willis Stryker, He was part of a gang that included Luke Cage when they were both young, and was the one who framed Cage for murder and got him sent to prison. So there's a potential connection there which could make for a good reveal.

    They could give him and Turk their own show - Barret and Shades! Together they fight crime!

    And Cottonmouth immediately goes "Oh don't worry I've got it covered with a bigger bullet", which is hilarious because that's probably the least reliable idea imaginable, even if it is big enough to kill him. Dude! Fire is free!. And you live on an island, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. There are other options

    This was also my immediate reaction. Bruce Lee is definitely better than Jet Li in a lot of ways, but Fist of Legend is head and shoulders above Fist of Fury.

    As someone who hasn't finished the show yet, I choose to believe he meant "no yellow blouse, tiara, and chain for a belt and I walk".

    This was my worry as well: the Punisher can be a lot of fun, (very obviously at this point) makes for a good supporting character, and has enough to him to make a decent movie.

    So far each new show has been better than the one before it, which only makes me more terrified and/or excited about Iron Fist. I really love Iron Fist, and I don't see how they can keep getting better with these shows so I'm already bracing myself for a huge letdown.

    "This review of a show about a black ex-convict with bulletproof skin living in Harlem that is among other things a beautiful homage to the blaxploitation movies of the 70's and spends a huge amount of time exploring the history of black culture is ok, but why did they have to talk about the black thing so much when

    I've been enjoying the pacing so far: unlike with Jessica Jones or Daredevil it feels intentionally slow, and in a way that reminds me of the way '70's action movies would build over time, and especially the way a lot of blaxploitation movies would. Shaft has some really amazing moments in it, but it also has a sort

    I go back and forth on whether this is intentional on the part of the writers or whether they're just going with their impressions of philosophy from college classes, but it's worth nothing that almost every single thing Chidi says about moral philosophy is … questionable. (Including the idea that moral philosophers

    I really think people underestimate the chance that the ending isn't an awesome fun fantasy-novel spectacular victory for the major heroic characters. People talk endlessly about how Dany will triumphantly return and Jon and Tyrion will ride dragons and so on (or that she's the villain and the other heroic characters

    This is probably true, but I love the idea that he actually finished things up years ago and has spent the time since then just openly trolling everyone too much to believe it.

    That would be the correct German pronunciation…

    Or even just that ECorp could keep refusing to grant that condition even if the people demanding it know they're doing it deliberately now. (I'm surprised that it took Angela to notice that, honestly - consistently refusing third party inspections of the plant that caused the problem seems like a pretty big red flag.)

    Are we sure that Mr Robot wanted to win that chess game?

    Oh - definitely not. But we do build hierarchies into groups so when it's an institutionalized/community ritual then it's going to take on that character. Once you divorce it from that then I think you're getting to the magical thinking aspect of ritual (even if, I think in most cases, what the ritual gets you is

    I laughed really hard at that scene because you got to see Mike slamming his shoulder into the door like in a movie to no effect, and then you see that there's a padlock hanging off the door. That's not a sensible approach to the problem Mike!

    All I could think whenever he showed up was "Holy crap it's the dad from Calvin and Hobbes!"

    That seems to me to be around the right time for "starting to get interested/first real crush but still young enough to loudly deny having any interest in that kind of thing".