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    "…how many secret government labs does this town have, anyway!?"

    If they do it like Tony Jaa in The Protector 2* it could be kind of awesome.

    Just once I'd like to see one of those guys end up injured as a result of trying to scale the wrong wall or jump across from a tree branch or something. The next scene, with the ambulance and awkward explanations, would be hilarious.

    I think the scene at the store where she's begging for an advance helps make at least some sense of it. She isn't just desperate because her son is missing (though that would be more than enough), she's was already having trouble before it happened (financially/life-situation-wise, I mean) and mostly holding it

    I really liked this as well: there's a lot of warnings from Barb about you know what he wants but my impression is that Nancy knows exactly what that is because it's what she's looking for. I'd be more willing to believe that she's using him for sex rather than the other way around.

    Also they also seem pretty alienated by what's around them, so someone who is weirder than they are and more alienated isn't going to seem completely bizarre. She's not one of them, but she's certainly closer to that than she would be with any of the other people we see in the show.

    But El isn't E.T., and Mike's immediate acceptance of her as a completely alien presence rings false. As far as he knows, she's just a lost girl - a little strange, but just a kid.

    The fact that the boys figure out Will's choices based on his choice to cast fireball in D&D takes on a nicely ominous and/or distressing character given that we also know that when he did that it was the wrong decision (he took a big risk and ended up rolling a seven when he needed at least a thirteen) and his

    Come on if that was true how did they ever agree on their agenda?

    The cross is one thing, but no one comes back from a two handed punch and a lurching tackle!

    If you want a picture of the future, imagine an amicable committee meeting — forever.

    That would retroactively endorse like half of all fanfiction written between 1970-1990. Note that I did not say "half of all Star Trek fanfiction". Half of all fanfiction.

    At least JJ Abrams has promised us that Khan won't be in it.

    He had a sexuality (a mostly vulcan one, though), but giving him a relationship with Uhura is absolutely a big change.

    Maybe they could just pick a double episode of Justice League Unlimited and have some actors repeat the same lines while acting it out for the camera. In the spirit of compromise I would allow them to photoshop in some clouds or rain or something and change all the daytime scenes so they're set at night or at least

    Yes, but it's not as good as the first one. Or as accurate in its depiction of the events, people, and general societies and cultures that were present at the time.

    Although, bizarrely, they turned out to be pretty decent at shepherding them to television, especially animated versions. I think at some point someone should sit them down and point out the differences between what they did in those two areas, possibly with some kind of stick.

    Hey, she said she walked away after that war. Maybe she doesn't really have a clear picture of what a computer is?

    You're saying this in order to get people to watch a version of it that's like three and a half hours long or something aren't you. That's a dirty, dirty trick.

    I still think they should have just overdubbed Kevin Conroy speaking all of Batman's lines in those movies. Christian Bale's attempt to do an intimidating angry voice is just… awkward.