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    Is it that they wouldn't have a raid like that in Canada? They absolutely would burst in like that in America. And if it wasn't a wealthy (white) suburb they'd probably have been throwing flashbang grenades as well.


    That way he'll only get interim shot.

    Hey, with those many nukes if they do successfully go off you're probably better off closer to one than farther away. And if they're stopped at the last minute..free TV!

    I started laughing so hard when they charged the mob. They had been holding assault rifles just seconds before.

    I did appreciate how one of the members of that mob held on to that large cardboard box they'd looted even after they were done rioting, and still had it when they charged the army of people who forgot that guns work better than punching right after they showed up. It really was great to see someone that committed to

    Dahrk's power comes from darkness, and can be repelled/canceled out by power coming from hope and goodness - like you get from an angry mob in the middle of a nuclear holocaust!

    The trick is that they're just knives. It's like Win Without A Knife Yakuma from Master of the Flying Guillotine

    Flash season 1: "We have to defeat the bad guy - or he'll kill people!!"

    He'd need to be moving like the Flash for that to be a thing, and even then only if he had prior warning and was watching it get fired. Bullets go fast. Most of them would already have gone through him before the sound wave from the gun going off reached him (heck, with any remotely human nervous system before he

    Depends on where/how it hits. Deformed usually, sure, and maybe shattered/broken if it's designed specifically to do that.

    You can reuse bullets too. We just don't generally do that because, well, why?

    I strongly doubt Bronn would be willing to go anywhere near that throne.

    A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 7: HURUP

    Daenerys: "JORAH! I told you to find a cure for greyscale and here you are sleeping with prostitutes!?"

    "Look guys, I'm not a hipster or something. I had a beard before it was…shit.

    At this point we've seen something like five different religions, right? There's the Old Gods, the Seven Gods, the Drowned God, the Faceless God, and the Lord of Light. (I don't remember if we've seen anything from the Dothraki, though they do have that prophecy thing going on.)

    One interesting thing about this episode is that we finally got a good look at what the general popular opinion on Tyrion actually is. In the books there's a good indication that while he's basically decent/competent he's viewed as a nasty devilish thing, in more or less the way the play presents him.

    My best guess is that Bran, in the future, wargs into Hodor, in the past, and controls Hodor, in the future, because that's where Bran is.

    Yes, and the point is "if coating a mace is all you need to do than just coating the tip of a bullet, which is very small and much easier to do, would be enough as well."