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    “It’s called compartmentalizing, and it’s not a problem, because I know the words to describe it.”

    I enjoyed how clear it was that revealing Savage's actual history was maybe half of why she changed sides. The other half was that she was hot for cold.

    And also Ray used the suit to turn huge and then immediately forgot that he also had guns right there in his suit. The fact that Jackson had to remind him of it cracked me up, but it didn't seem to help much because he didn't use them well anyway.

    He's been working on conquering the world for a really long time now, so I'd totally buy that when he succeeds he has no idea what to actually do with it and just wanders off to find some new way to occupy his time, like fly fishing or working on his solo album.

    The 'but he reincarnates every time he dies you idiot' bit drove me nuts, though not being ready to actually murder someone* makes some sense as an explanation for that.

    Sure, they had stuff to defend themselves with in close combat too, but archery was their main function. There were some who were even really good swordsmen, but that was kind of a last-resort weapon and really needing to use it probably meant that someone had really screwed up somewhere along the line.

    I was almost (but not entirely given the way she treats him) amazed by how she handled it at his apartment. Felix is annoyed with her, looking for some space, and so on. But if she'd actually said "I just found a deadly parasitic science worm in my face and I'm scared and desperate and can't sleep and Kira might

    At least it makes sense of why they can keep wandering back to Beth's apartment and digging around in it. You'd think there'd be a lot of angry letters from the utilities people though, even if she owned the place outright and didn't have a mortgage.

    Not to mention she's the only one with any money at all. I mean, Sarah is on the run and I doubt Cosima or Helena have part time jobs on the side.

    I bet one that was legitimately historically accurate would be amazing, though also probably not a great idea from the perspective of the showrunners and actors who didn't want to get viciously beaten in the streets.

    I really sort of hope deep down that eventually someone just reveals to Sarah that the way to get it out is to get a prescription for mectizan. ("What!? It's just a parasitic worm. We have loads of treatments for those that aren't risky face surgery.")

    Also the first step in making a more perfect human being is probably just knowing about how to make one at all - I doubt the clones were intended to be better than other people in any sense, just research into more basic stuff.

    I loved the smell bit too - though I'm a bit surprised that they didn't bring Helena into it. If there's anyone who's likely to be non-judgmental about that kind of thing it's her, and she's probably also way more used to dead bodies as well. (I assume they're just generally uncomfortable around her despite how long

    This is right: she's desperate and terrified and almost anyone semi-reassuring is going to get the benefit of a lot of doubt as a result of how much she needs someone to help her.

    I think with Kennedy the idea of an "undue burden" comes along with "due burden" rather than the more normal/assumed "acceptable burden". He just wants to make sure women are punished enough for it, but has some qualms about them being punished too much.

    Oh god, the screaming freakout will last for years.

    Something something Geraldo Rivera's vault.

    His childhood was super screwed up due to the Jackson 5, so it's not unbelievable that he'd try to replicate one for himself later in life (after spending a decade or two in full on millionaire-international-popstar "reality is whatever I vaguely wish it was" mode).

    This makes sense too - the whole point of a will is so you can say "this is what I want done with my stuff". Doing it in a non-standard way is just less convenient because it needs to be translated into the standard format by whoever is dealing with it after someone's death.

    I prefer to believe that once they managed to drill the whole thing open, after days of work, it was entirely empty except for a piece of paper with "They're in cardboard boxes in the garage you morons. Literally keeping them in a huge locked vault would be ridiculous" printed on it.