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    Race and ethnicity are pretty different things, though: and ethnicity is actually a lot harder to change (though depending on the character still not that hard). The easy slogan there is: "Ethnicity is about what you eat when you're visiting your parents; race is about how strangers treat you." So, Caulfield could

    Nick Fury is a good example of them race-bending a character who had been around forever (longer than Spider-man!), and weirdly almost no one noticed. I'm not sure why on that one but I'm guessing it was that they slipped it into the comics first so when people thought back to the character when he first showed up in

    What's really weird is that, at least with Rocky, he wrote the script for that movie too.

    But that's part of my point: making Wolverine, for example, of Asian descent would be at most an equally significant change to the character (less, I think, given that his height is at least gestured to in the name). We would notice that one immediately though because race matters in a way height doesn't. But if

    I'm imagining that dialog with Oliver still using his angry voice altered Arrow-voice, and it's amazing.

    You're making a pretty big assumption about what happened when they met right there…

    "I really shouldn't have just left that sitting out there on the table, to be honest. But it went so well with the decor!"

    It was on his facebook page.

    I like to imagine that Darkh knows exactly who the Arrow is and is just mocking him about it.

    "Don't you have to intentionally use the amulet to take on the abilities of other animals?"

    I kept thinking "You know, if you smashed that idol against something hard like a big rock, instead of soft like a thick mossy patch on that rock, you might have less trouble there. And also there's a man with a large gun standing right next to you."

    "Mein Fuhrer! I can walk!!"

    "…Oooh! This edition is illustrated."

    Yes definitely. And especially if they were basically just time criminals doing neat heists.

    At this point they might as well have fun and just jam it into every episode no matter how bizarre it was.

    I always laugh whenever they had Conor (or whenever they have Thea) waving around their bows like a club. Guys, that is a narrow-ish piece of wood under high tension. You cannot smash people with it or block swords and then use it later. That will not end well for you.

    Also Quentin is, what, in his fifties?

    They do that kind of thing often enough that I think at some point we should see Snart in the background quickly writing stuff down in a little notebook.

    "You know, this really isn't so different from the espresso machine I used to work with."

    The idea of stealing future tech has always made me wonder - I mean, how useful would it be? A lot of the time future technology would be awesome to use in the past for a while, if you could. But it would be really hard to exploit it to long term benefit unless you also understood exactly how it worked, and at that