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    That was something I found really confusing too. The score is both amazing and really central to the movie.

    The worst part was that he supposedly got convinced he had a shot after getting caught in public making anti-union comments (at what seemed like it might be the advice of Martindale's character). In reality I think even somewhat dimwitted politicians would be able to recognize that coming out as opposed to unions in

    Miller is the new R.R. Martin!

    As I recall, Scalia didn't see any reason to be moved by a blatantly innocent person's appeal, since he thought the basic procedures had been followed (in the loosest sense, really). The idea that someone he thought was guilty would do better sounds kind of implausible to me.

    No, it really does not. It especially doesn't when police are (like they mostly are) using the Reid technique, which is really, really famous for producing very detailed but completely false confessions from people.

    Uh huh. You really don't understand "I don't need to play your silly game"?

    I'm confused about objecting to the movie on the grounds that one particular thing in it is over the top.

    Also for having a great time watching an awesome Punisher movie.

    No, the reasonable people are already aware of exactly what you're crap amounts to.

    No one is even remotely fooled about your intention or ability to have a reasoned argument, so just give up on the pretense.

    I can't stop laughing at the idea that you can just go "good day, I say, good day sir" and have someone just magically not respond to you on an internet comment thread.

    Dude do you even convince yourself with that shit?

    When I see people identifying with the MRA/Yesalltherelatedsitescount stuff actually joining in partnership with feminist organizations who, again, have been addressing and working on all of those issues for decades then I'll take seriously the idea that they actually care about any of that crap. Instead all you see

    You know, if you didn't bother to read the comments it's probably not a good idea to say what was in them. Of course, since you're also endorsing them it doesn't really matter I guess.

    How about the following comments, imbecile?

    And… I never said anything that that makes a difference to so you're still failing to make any point there.

    What an amazing response to a comment about.. selective service registration?

    Well, you can't say they're being inconsistent I guess.

    I think it's fair to say that they're just being idiots and they had no effect whatsoever. Their best (ludicrously exaggerated) claim about how much it cost them would be drowned out by even the slightest rounding error in the numbers. Any claims that that had a genuine effect are just silly.