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    I agree with spicoli323 here: I think it is eye-rolling when he does that but I think that's also part of the point. We're really, really not meant to be too impressed by his pathetic angst given what we've been seeing him do for the entire show so far. (I mean, he whines about having to choose words carefully and

    It absolutely does. It's not enough to make him not creepy as hell in the episode, but if he'd had a strong North Dakota accent* the effect for Americans at least would have been very different.

    I have the same reaction.

    I don't think Kilgrave can command people to do things they can't do physiologically - it just affects their volition/desire. Someone could definitely hold their eyes open long enough to really cause damage if they wanted it enough, and it looks like they've been there for a long time already. But I can see someone

    This is right. He certainly has something for her, some kind of obsession or valuing even, but definitely not love.

    The FCC couldn't have done a thing about that, though. MTV isn't broadcast television, it's cable just like Cinemax or HBO which show boobs so frequently that it's a joke.

    Sure, but that doesn't change the fact that just hearing that it had happened was enough to get them to do that. Having an organization with a bunch of form letters available isn't enough - you have to have a bunch of people willing to mail in those letters with their names on them, and that takes genuine commitment

    I have a strong suspicion that a majority of Americans would agree it is a silly thing right up until they saw a nipple and then the FCC would practically have to hire dozens of new staff to handle the volumes of screaming complaints. I suspect this because… that's close to what happened when America got to see a

    "It's just collateral damage"/"He helped Kilgrave escape"/"He's in my way" sort of stuff is my guess there. Simpson was already well into the "nothing will stop me I'm a hero doing hard things that have to be done" action movie mindset so it didn't feel entirely unnatural to me that he'd start carving a path through

    "… yeah right. That's what you said the last three times."

    I dunno, I mean he is Ra's al Ghul. Sneaking into places without people knowing he did is sort of his thing.

    She could just be in a lot of flashbacks! Maybe Felicity was also on the island.

    "…actually I've been here for three days now, waiting to make an entrance."
    "Three days? But, wait is that why it's starting to smell like.."
    "Yes, sorry. Try to stay away from that corner over there."

    From the level of damage that limo sustained and where the bullets actually got into it (through the windows) I'm guess that limo was pretty heavily armored. That's why Oliver and Felicity tried to get down below the seats almost immediately (but not immediately enough).

    Well, to be fair Oliver spent the first season as a serial killer and they seem mostly fine with that, so maybe they're not so great with the whole "moral compass" thing?

    "Now come on everyone - let's go out there and show what the people of Star city can accomplish if we all get together and roll up our sleeves!!"
    "Isn't that usually "get shot"?
    "Well, yes. But we do it better than anyone else. GO STAR CITY!"

    "Your approval rating just went up a lot!"

    "There are still no other candidates running, right?"
    "Look just give me this, ok? I need to pretend I have a job to do here."

    They even found a less effective way of springing the question than Oliver could come up with!


    No! It's what lets it ricochet in such predictable and/or useful ways!