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    I agree; that scene of CapDoc realizing that "he" is just a simulation of the real him, coping with it somehow, and coming up with a plan and a big grin — fabulous. The man is golden; I think we owe him special regard for coaxing out the best and most audacious of Moffat's tendencies as a show runner just by *being

    Not at all — he merely injected the much darker joys that many of us love like crazy . . .

    Reminds me, in an oblique way, of the stories of some children of married couples in the past who were so deeply into each other over their entire lives that the children felt shut out and neglected as a result. The whole "Soulmate" concept usually leaves out the darker aspects of such all-absorbing relationships,

    Not everyone agrees on this point.

    I'm so glad he got back to that "box", myself — I was getting restless over the shiny charm of the earlier episodes. This, now, this — is what I come to DW for. Some of us *like* it clever, for whatever reason.

    He's a hero. People are saved by the actions of heroes; other people usually die because of those same actions or their consequences. It's a paradox that the Doctor lives, and thinks about, and tries to get out of, but he can't.

    Not really; it said that stealing someone's memories "for their own good" and against their stated wishes is a negation of their adult autonomy and right to make their own choices for their own idea of their own good. Ten was high-handed about it, and then had the nerve to gurn about it, as if all that was important

    Well, that pope was talking *very fast*, wasn't he.

    I think Bill has long since come to terms with her foster-mother's well-meant but utterly superficial concern for her and inability to pay attention to anything but her own "boyfriends" long enough to even register that Bill is *not* on the make for boyfriends of her own. Moira talks the good-mom talk, but is too

    Moffat is the kind of talent that can take on a hackneyed stereotype and make it do wonderful backflips that leave us howling and laughing. Because he can. F**k the haters.

    Not doing so well on the "carefully" part, though, is he? Ah, well, the best laid plans . . . even for TLs.

    Well, he is (to some of us, anyway) one hell of a sexy silver fox, so why not?!

    Yee- HAH! You said it, Steven. My MAN. This just cracked me up — even though I *hate* mummies and decayed stuff, like those zombie monks.

    Wait, WHAT? I got the woman-pope, but — ? What was really funny was that clearly the vatican had (secretly) accepted this female pope's reality AND set her portrait as a guardian against *heresy* of all things — and meantime, all the frickin' cardinals are still men! Love it, love it, love it!

    Our other choice, as of this moment, is to commit suicide. I'm not ready to go yet. Maybe when the Creature from the Kindergarten Lagoon comes back.

    I'm not Martin, but yeah, I don't care — if the story flies, and this one does!

    Hey — it's not the real Tardis or the real Pope, right? Reality slippage . . .

    I think DW must be doing it right lately, because there's been quite a bit of whining about "eeeww, why do they have to make it so *political*!" Remember a novel called "Trouble and Her Friends"? I remember being so startled, and grinning like a loon, when I realized that not only was Trouble POC, so was almost

    Yup, you've already explained. I find your explanation weak and unconvincing. Go again, if you must. I'm bored, and I'm done.

    I like them a lot better than the sonic screwdriver. A pair of sunglasses is a much better prop to generate "business" from, and Capaldi is brilliant at that. Check back and see all the ways he's used those glasses as expressive augmentation. Wouldn't have missed that for the world.