
took me a bit, too, but I think it's Brienne.

sometimes I worry that I was weird in high school. then I hear stories like this and realize that on the contrary, I was actually quite boring and normal.

this also applies to all the Foxes albums, I think, although Helplessness Blues is still a staggering album of greatness to me.

maybe he actually took his meds that day.

sorry, fuck you.
you made this shit-filled bed, it serves you right to have to lie in it.

I'm with you. all hail our new drone delivery overlords.

well, then they met Gram Parsons and he turned them onto the countrified high lonesome thing.

amen to THAT.

fwiw, Sinatra's "In the Wee Small Hours" is considered the first "concept album" proper, and that came out 12 years before Sgt. Pepper.

I'm a revolver/rubber soul fan, but I have to say that when it comes to pet sounds vs. sgt. pepper, for me it's gotta be sgt. pepper all the way. it's far more exploratory, far more creative, far more self-assured than pet sounds. both are great, but in the end it's sgt, pepper that changed everything.

ok, you got a point there. it probably was one of those "here's an idea!" and then they ran out of fodder for it halfway through and had to figure out how to make it work. adult parties kind of lost steam after the 70s for some reason, so adult party food got less focused.

yeah, even *i* was thinking, "raisins? come on — kind of scraping the barrel, aren't you?"

yeah, that's weird. but since he's on record saying that she deserved credit… i don't know. maybe it was just part of the whole "that's way things were done" in the industry, and men just got credit for everything, or something.

they didn't say it was KID'S party food — just popular party food, silly.

I feel vindicated that the kids all loved the Chex mix. that shit is eternal.

hear, hear. and if Lennon were alive today he would be the first person in line saying she deserves this. he was *always* about sharing the credit when they worked together on things. this is something that is long overdue.

I last played a little over 2 years ago, and that was the first time in almost 20 years, so I totally agree with you that TIME is probably the biggest hindrance aside from getting enough interested people. I would love to play again, but I really need to carve out the time… somehow.

is he going to try to own this version, too?
because fuck him.

UFO were great.

I wish I had read this FIRST. I kept hoping he'd just say it. 1974 narrows it down a little…