Salty Dog

I hate this type of simplistic thinking. There's an annoying modern tendency to cast our own morality onto the past. Yes, slavery was bad and wrong, but remember women didn't gain universal suffrage until ~6 decades after the end of the civil war. So was the Union really in the right, given that their women had to

WRT the Confederacy, that's way too simplistic. Most Confederate soldiers were poor kids given rifles and told to go shoot at the people invading their states. Though we now disagree with their cause, we should still mourn their deaths because in the end, they were Americans. They didn't choose to go to war. And the

Someone needs to do a horseradish ranch sauce. Horseradish on its own just isn't going to work - not taste-wise, but because you need some well-known flavor to tie it to so people know what general category it falls into.

I disagree. Soy sauce and hot sauce are sauces. They're not "fast food sauces", which must come in a tub and are sufficiently viscous such that an item dipped into the tub retains a significant quantity of the sauce without significant dripping. That's really the dividing line. If its intended or general use is to

What's really sad is that there are large portions of the country with no Jack In The Box locations. Let them deliver their tasty wares to all of us - not just the select few they deign to serve - if they want to be included.

You're insane. Diablo sauce is the only TB sauce with any reasonable level of heat, which is a must-have for that type of food.

Zaxby's is a regional chain and way too small to be included. It's #70 worldwide in restaurant count. All of the others are #34 or higher. Which makes sense - it's frustrating to read an article about how great a particular sauce is when there's not one anywhere near you. Even Jack In The Box (#26) probably shouldn't

Probably with honey is that it's generally served in packet form, which is completely unacceptable. You accidentally squirt some on your sleeve, it's a disaster. For honey to break through into the apex of sauces, it needs to come in a tub.

Regional fast food chains clearly shouldn't be eligible. I don't want to read about some awesome sauce that isn't available within 100 miles. Whataburger can gain entry once it's in the top 50 franchises by restaurant count, as all of the others are.

Your attitude is, in part, why he won. What you're essentially saying is "only dumb people like Trump". Shockingly, middle America doesn't like the coasts looking down on them like a pack of dunces. Trump won because he got what worried middle America, which is mostly jobs. The Rust Belt is full of people who are

What's of value in reporting Scaramucci went to the FBI? When you get down to it, really the story is they don't like each other. That's it. It's nonsense journalism. It's the equivalent of reporting on so-and-so in the locker room doesn't like some other player. And it matters not a whit unless it impacts the

You get that it's not putting extra money into the hands of rich people, right? It's taking less from their hands. This is what boggles my mind - the notion that what's yours isn't yours. No one disagrees with the notion you should pay for what you get. If you're the CEO of a corporation that uses roads to sent its

Fair point, but isn't there some truth there? I mean really, does "on the record" literally mean "I am going to report every word you said" or "I'll summarize the gist of what was said"? It's a legitimate question. And can there be any doubt the media is actively working against this administration? It's just so very

The only thing this does is fan the partisan flames. That's why it's a disaster. What's substantive in the entire report? Nothing. The only point of the article is to embarrass Scaramucci. Is he doing a bang-up job of that himself? Obviously. But how can anyone say this is news? The only things accomplished are a)

It's a legitimate topic of discussion. Clearly more white people are going to be shot simply because there are more white folks than black folks, but can anyone deny that you really don't get that sense when life is viewed through the lens of certain media? They're pushing a narrative. Black man gets shot, they go

That's way too simplistic. Things aren't binary. What if the "modern slavery" is just the absence of unions? Then the POV is sort of a mixed bag. In the north, workers are heavily unionized. Corporations move to the south where the labor laws are friendly. Who's better off? You really can't say. Is the north right for

Those people are idiots, but it's not as cut and dry an issue as folks want to make it. Think of it this way: when countries broke away from the USSR to be independent, if the USSR had fought a huge war to keep them in the USSR, we'd have condemned that, right? Why, then, don't we condemn Lincoln for waging a huge

I disagree completely. This is the perfect time for a show like this. I mean, really, what's the issue that's fracturing the country? It's the whole federalism versus states rights issue that drove the Civil War. 1862's plantation owners are 2017's CEOs. 1862's slaves are 2017's working poor. Clearly different, but

It all depends on how they do it. You're assuming it has to be "all black folks are slaves". A more interesting twist, and one that would be a fairly dead-on critique of the current state of affairs, would be to make it class-based, like a caste system. The poor are slaves - white, black, whatever - and the wealthy

I think that's just an excuse for lazy writing. If this were the real world, no one would be interested in how people responded to the departure. Everyone would want to know what caused it, where the people went, would it happen again, etc. We all know that's true. When there's a mystery, we want an answer. This