Salty Dog

I think the idea is that he's already not making a huge amount of money (for a NYC lawyer) and can't afford that. Sort of a DIY thing - cheaper to do your own dirty work than to hire someone else to do it, even if you're not really qualified for the job.

This is just a guess, but basically, it would create a conflict that the courts would need to resolve. Suppose the car was Naz's. They would have no reason to release it, whether or not they thought they were done gathering evidence. He's in jail. He's not driving it. But when the car is owned by a third party,

No. There's no way he would have cleaned himself up and then knowingly fallen asleep in the house with her dead body. If he killed her while he was nude, surely he would have immediately gathered his stuff and left as quickly as possible.

If you've never watched it, check out the HBO documentary on Rikers. It was done a decade or more ago, but it's still incredibly compelling. It's not quite as extreme as what's depicted on the show, but it's in the same general area. Rikers is utter madness (or it was at the time of that documentary).

It's unlikely he has sway over everyone. Freddy has managed to surround himself with sympathetic, friendly guards who will help him, but surely they're a minority. Basically, once he gets contraband to his area it's safe, but he still needs people to get it past the outer circle of people who aren't doing favors for

Fine, it's a biographer of Voltaire. You win that meaningless argument. The point remains that it's a crucial principle of this country going back to its founding days. Is there anything more fundamental to this country than the right to speak your mind freely? It's so frightening to me that so many want to say "…

Why do you have this attitude? Why do you want to suppress viewpoints, no matter how much you disagree with them? It's so scary to me how eager progressives are to sign off on silencing anything they deem "not OK" because hey, it's all nonsense and no one needs to hear that. That's not what this country was founded

You know plenty of people have said mean-spirited and abusive things about Donald Trump. Are we going to kick all of those folks off Twitter as well? You like it when Twitter bans viewpoints you don't like. As soon as they come for someone you like, then the outcry starts.

I know no one cares because the AVClub readership is basically unified in its disagreement with this guy, but I think it's something you should care about. What it says is that if you're someone with a strong opinion who expresses controversial viewpoints to a large number of followers, and amongst those followers

I was going to write about him as well. I agreed with what Mr. Obama said and didn't think it was inflammatory. It was more about the timing. Mr. Dayton, on the other hand… that immediately struck me as a shockingly poor remark. I mean, he all but said the officer killed Mr. Castile because he was black. How is

I mostly agree, but don't you think it just plain looks bad for Mr. Obama to give that speech and then have someone commit mass murder because of the issue he was speaking on hours later? That's really my point - not the causal relationship, but the simple fact that there's even a link between the topic of a

I may not have been as clear as I wanted to be. I don't think Mr. Obama's words had a whole lot to do with what happened in Dallas. I think you can make a case for it possibly having something to do with it (however small), but I agree that a whole lot of other factors are involved. I just think it's amazing to

I mostly agree, but I think it's legitimate to discuss the differences between all of these shootings. It's terrible Alton Sterling is dead. On the other hand, if reports are to be believed, he flashed (perhaps pointed) a gun at a homeless man who was bothering him and even if the police were overly aggressive when

Wait. Is anyone really against access to health care and education? Access means you have the opportunity to get something, not necessarily that you get it. It seems to me what you're saying is they the pro-police state crowd legislates against the government providing everyone with health care and education. I

But peaceful revolution doesn't necessarily mean you're guaranteed to get the world to be exactly the way you want it. The opportunity to take part in a peaceful revolution is what has to be possible, not the desired outcome. What you wrote seems more along the lines of "if I see a problem and I want things to

I still can't believe the same day that the President of the United States delivered an address that more or less endorsed the notion that police officers are unjustifiably killing black folks because of the color of their skin, a black man went out and killed five police officers because he was angry white cops are

Agree 100%. This notion of some overarching conspiracy is first-rate tin foil hat club stuff. False testimony happens, but it's basically for one of two reasons: either it was hammered out by overzealous police officers questioning someone for an enormous length of time or it's in the witness' own interest. In the

How do you get around Jay? You can go on all you want about evidence. There's a guy who saw Adnan open up the trunk and show her dead body lying inside it. If you believe him, there can be no doubt Adnan killed her. The only conceivable reason for him to lie is because he (Jay) did it, and why would you think

That's ridiculous. Hae Min Lee's murder wasn't a lack of impulse control and poor judgement. If you want to say someone in the heat of a moment pulls a trigger and cite that as a lack of impulse control and poor judgement, fine. Choking the life out of someone isn't a momentary lapse. You have to choke them for a

I don't know how anyone can read Jay's 3 part interview published on The Intercept and have any doubt about Adnan Syed's guilt. Jay has absolutely no reason to lie unless he was the killer (and was trying to pin the crime on Adnan), and if he was the killer, there's no way in hell he'd be doing that interview (and oh