Salty Dog

This is the problem. Pointing people to a long-winded article in The Economist is a laughable strategy in 2016. The reality is that people need ideas condensed into bite-sized morsels to really grok them. Laugh at that all you want. The side that basically said "let's rule ourselves rather than letting other

Honestly, he's part of the problem. He's the personification of the left's utter contempt for the right, treating them as dunderheaded apes whose place in the world is to fling their own poo and be laughed at. But hey, keep on watching and laughing at "those people" who voted to leave and watch the world continue to

Well put, but I'd take it in a slightly different direction. Understanding there's a large nationalist segment of the US, winning the election isn't the only thing that matters, because after you win you have to govern, and you cannot do that effectively if you have a large and disaffected segment of the country

I agree 100%. This is the crack in the pavement that will eventually widen into a massive hole if left untreated. If you're for greater international unity, it's time to go back to the drawing board, and quickly, to find a new strategy to address the disaffected nationalist folks. Cries of economic woe have utterly

I think your summary is mostly on point, but I would argue it's not just because they're scared of immigrants. It's that they don't like immigrants and instead of being told "hey, we hear you, let's address your concerns" they're effectively told to shut the fuck up with their racist nonsense. I liken it to a

But you know what? Those sort of facts don't matter when emotional issues are in play. I liken it to the Civil War in the US. The southern states must have known they'd take a terrible economic hit from seceding given that they'd lose access to goods from the northern states, lose the northern states as a market,

I really think this is the first crack in what will end up being a huge chasm. We can cry racism and xenophobia all we want, but it's clear from the Brexit vote that a very significant portion of Britons are tired of seeing "foreigners" (an imperfect term, but I'm not sure how else to put it) entering the country and

Does it even matter whether the remake is or isn't good? It's so much preaching to a small choir. Whatever the merits and problems of the original, it exposed the story to just about everyone in the country. It's truly amazing how high its ratings were. Think about what impact it had. If it didn't change hearts

Women do feel alienated by obviously more attractive women, or at least threatened by them. It's a complete stereotype but also true. Think about any situation where a phenomenally attractive woman in relatively revealing attire enters a room full of couples. You're saying the women aren't immediately on guard?

That concept is absolutely true, although it's not stated properly. It's not so much that women want to see women on screen who aren't attractive, but women who are attractive but also not out of reach in terms of appearance. The perfect example is Vera Farmiga in The Departed. Attractive enough, but also someone

These people are men of power in Hollywood. If you're some average Joe at an Applebee's on a Friday night, you're not picky. When you're a director and have say on who is and isn't in your movie and can therefore have your pick of perfect women, you can nitpick all you want.

Well, wait. It got a 97% on RT because movie reviewers are almost uniformly extremely liberal folks with a very specific worldview. They liked the notion that it had a female lead in a male-dominated franchise, therefore it got very high scores, therefore the public liked it.

I don't agree. There's an opportunity cost. There's been talk about a third Ghostbusters movie for years involving some of the original folks and this is happening instead of that. You can be annoyed by the fact that this version is being made instead of one involving some of the original folks because they're not

I feel so depressed for the world as a whole when I think about the whole <whatever>y Mc<whatever>face thing. It's maybe the least funny, least interesting, and least creative thing that's ever existed. I look back at the world before us and it seems like people were actually intelligent and well dressed and now

Well, it just limits creativity. If there's a template for what things have to be, creativity loses out. The beauty of art is that it's someone's vision, not a dull collective amalgam. Not that blockbusters are the height of art, but they aren't mutually exclusive either. That's the danger of the PC type of

It just occurred to me that the whole Ghostbusters thing (and the larger societal things it represents) is probably more about the fact that there's nothing stereotypically female that men have any interest in invading as a counterattack. It's easier to come to terms with something you love being invaded by others

It still holds up. I watch it every year on Halloween. Still terrifying even when you know what's coming. I've never even watched any of the other movies because I know they'll be disappointing.

I'm almost off this show entirely. It's just so ponderous. I got halfway through last week's episode before I turned it off. I really think Game of Thrones is ruining "prestige dramas". Since GoT has become the gold standard, "prestige dramas" just can't have enough characters or plot lines going at once. It's

To the AV Club authorship and readership I say: Gentlemen! What a collection of assholes.

That picture at the top is not doing Amy any favors. She looks like Nathan Lane as Starina from The Birdcage.