Salty Dog

I was shocked by how well the humorous beats hit. One of my favorite scenes was when Kylo Ren was destroying a bank of computers with his lightsaber. Two stormtroopers approach, see the sparks coming from the room, and immediately turn on their heels and walk back in the direction they came from as if this happens

This feels like a subversive guy over at Pizza Hut HQ saw those DirecTV ads with Jeffrey Tambor and made it his personal mission to re-create them in the real world.

Seriously. The fact you mention scotch outs you as someone who's never engaged in this activity. If there's not a two foot tall Jenga tower of three-quarters consumed Miller Lite cans teetering on your coffee table and threatening to topple off and douse you in warm, flat beer, you're doing it completely wrong.

Maybe I'm dumb, but was any reason given for the girls joining the Guilty Remnant? It doesn't make any sense to me. It feels like the idea of the season was to parallel ISIS/ISIL/whatever - an organization that recruits children and turns them against the worldview of their parents - but I wasn't sold on why the

I don't agree. He was killing off his guilt about Patti, not Patti herself. Once he learned about the circumstances of her life, he understood who she was and that it was OK to kill off his guilt about her death and move on.

I kinda feel like it was almost a "you've got to get to rock bottom" type of thing for Kevin and his guilt. Let's assume Patti was his brain trying to deal with his grief and guilt. He so wants to kill that off that he's willing to risk death to do it. It's like a heroin addict who needs to do the Nikki Sixx thing

No, the reviewer is very clearly casting it in a negative light. He says he's irritated by it, it's far worse than he initially thought, and basically says it's nonsensical. We can argue over whether "offended" is the same as "I didn't like it", but either way, it's clearly negative.

Really reminded me of that, too.

I agree, although I just watched it for the first time last night. I'm a sucker for off the map episodes. I love that there are shows that are willing to do exactly what Kevin did - drink the poison (go for broke with a weird-ass episode) and hope you make it to the other side.

Isn't it a six of one, half dozen of the other situation? Seems to me it doesn't matter whether it actually happened or not. Kevin certainly will believe it did. To me, two things matter:

I really enjoyed this episode. I felt like the point was to humanize Patti, and by extension the Guilty Remnant. The whole first season, they really annoyed me. It seemed ludicrous for them to do what they were doing. I didn't get it. The fact that Patti ended up being the little girl read to me as: this was a

I find it funny to think about how they'd avoid that. "Mr. Williams, you're a wonderful actor, but we really need a white man in that role so as not to run into the problem of the magical negro trope". Sort of like alarm company commercials where the intruder is always a white actor with a little scruff in a flannel

It's not a problem. People still pay close to $20 to see a first-run movie in theaters even though they could just wait a year and see it on Netflix for (basically) free.

Do you two really not have $60 or $110 to spend on something you enjoy? I just don't understand. That shouldn't be a make or break price point for adults with any sort of decent job.

That's how any form of entertainment goes. You could say "hey, movies are still just pictures projected onto a wall with better visuals". People still enjoy movies. Every form of entertainment spawns, goes through a lot of changes as it's getting on its feet, and then it basically becomes a defined thing that we do

Are you sure it's not nostalgia? If you're anything like me, you have this nostalgia for old games, but if you go back and play them, you'll think: this wasn't really as good as I remember. I pulled out Battlefront 2 a few years ago and played it for a bit, and it was fun, but after an hour or two I was done. It's

It's effectively multi-player only, although I think it's odd you use that as a pejorative. I get that people like campaign modes (I do), but there's an argument to be made for multi-player only. There are lots of people who have no (or very little) interest in single-player. Focusing specifically on multi-player

It's not completely insane. Think about what some people drop $110 on without thinking. One nice dinner out with a good bottle of wine easily exceeds that, and that's a few hours of entertainment. You get much more entertainment value out of that $110 spent on the full game with DLC. Games are really the best

To me, it feels more similar to the previous two Battlefront games (I played both, although it's been years). When I think Battlefront, I think it's a game where you get into action quickly, it's intense for a bit, but it doesn't drag on forever. That's exactly what this game is, at least in the Walker Assault mode,

Don't you think we'll always live in a world that's first and foremost heterosexual? ~4% of Americans identified as LGBT in a recent Gallup poll, and even if you think that's low based on people not reporting accurately, or being closeted, or some other factor, it's hard to imagine that's going to rise enough to