Salty Dog

What's even more depressing is that Morgan is now just a Tyreese redux. Another black dude who's afraid to kill people. What in the name of Wesley Snipes is the world coming to when all of the black men are portrayed as huge bitches? Sigh.

First, I heartily disagree with your assessment of season 1. The CDC remains the best divergence from the book, IMHO. It makes complete sense - of course in that scenario, the first thought is going to be to go to the place that's trained and equipped to deal with outbreaks like this. Season 1 and, to a lesser

Keep in mind that at some point, the danger from the walkers can be managed, and the greater consideration is the human threat. Walkers are predictable. You're vulnerable early on, but once you learn the right defenses, site selection, etc, they're far less of a threat. They're never going to adapt and find a way

I think you're overlooking how difficult of a journey it would be. Roads aren't going to be easy to navigate since there are likely to be many places with cars piled up. If you have an offroad vehicle that can navigate around those, you have to have a bunch of them. Most offroad vehicles don't hold too many people.

The ending (what happens to Ampersand) really hit me hard at the time because I had just helped a friend put her dog to sleep (one of those where they come to your house and you are holding the dog as it happens so she can go in the comfort of home rather than being taken to some place she doesn't know). Every time I

It's been a while since I read it but my recollection is that I enjoyed the story at the beginning and especially the end, but found it meandering otherwise. The idea is great, and the emotional resolution is spot-on, but a lot in the middle just feels like it's filler to get from A to Z. IIRC it's a lot of Yorick

I can't stand the constant re-use of the same locations for shoots that are supposed to be several states away. They used a section of roadway that I'm positive has been used in tons of episodes when they were in Georgia, and I think they re-used the intersection Rick drove up to in the pilot in this episode. I get

Can I upvote this times infinity?

Fuck this show. Could we get a few more scenes of the US military acting like thugs, murderers, and rapists? When they aren't completely incompetent against walkers, of course. Because people who are trained in the use of weapons and survival would obviously miss a herd of walkers coming at them and then fall all

Well said.

It also had source material to draw from. Frank Darabont was a huge fan of TWD and was passionate about bringing it to TV. He had a long time to think about the source material and how it would translate. This show had virtually no time to let its ideas marinate nor anyone close to as talented as Frank Darabont,

I get not explaining the origin, because it's a MacGuffin. It doesn't really matter what the actual cause is. It only matters what happens as a result. But you do have to show what happens as a result. We saw almost nothing about what happened. There was a riot over a police shooting - OK, that's believable. Our

The portrayal of the military in this episode bordered on the absurd. Yes, there are times when they get out of control - My Lai, Abu Ghraib, etc. Those are situations when the military has been deployed to and been in a foreign country for a while. It takes a certain amount of time and pressure being in a foreign

I believe Laurie Holden wanted to leave the show after Darabont left. It wasn't because her character was hated. She signed on for the project because Darabont was the showrunner, because she's worked with him before and liked what he brought to the table, and when AMC decided to show Darabont the door, she asked to

Are you high? Here's what they learned from the first show: how to get 15.8 million people to tune in for the season 5 finale. This is a business. The goal of the business is to get viewers. No one cares that you don't like it, or that Jordan Orlando doesn't like it. They care about how to get the most viewers

The comparisons are unfair. In each of those circumstances, you're talking about sequels or spinoffs that retain some of the characters from the original. Better Caul Saul would never have succeeded had we not already known Jimmy/Saul and Mike. This has zero characters from TWD.

I think that's presumptuous. The military may very well contain the initial outbreak. They already have people quarantined into safe zones. We may be in the initial phase where the military thinks it has everything contained, and then something happens.

I just don't know how that show would end up any different. Within a few episodes, the military's going to be running everything no matter what you focus on and everyone's going to be sheltered in place in their homes. No one's going to be in school. The military's going to take over the hospitals. Public

There's really no lifespan to a show of the type you describe, unless you want to stretch a month or two into multiple seasons. Once we go from normalcy to ZA, it's only about a month or two until the people in charge and everyone else are living in camps together. The nuclear plant operator is just like anyone else
