Salty Dog

I miss when Community had some sort of tie to reality. It seems like the longer the series goes, the more it's turned into all wackiness.

The review doesn't even mention what I thought was the absolute best moment of the episode: Jimmy as Mike's attorney. This, I believe, is where Saul Goodman was born. He's found something he's really good at. If the Philly cops were just dealing with Mike, it probably would have gone a very different way. But

How did they not earn it? Doug tried being the good guy. It's not him. I really enjoyed his arc. People don't always progress. If he was truly a good person, yes, he would have progressed as a character and become different. But he's not. If you're an evil person, it doesn't matter if you do a few nice things -

I enjoyed the fact that they offered Doug a way out - a way to reconnect with family, to work for a candidate who wasn't evil - and he chose to go back to being Frank's right hand man. I wouldn't even say it was "politics and his old ways sucking him back in". He chose that path. I felt like he was an important

I completely agree about the suicide ending. Sure, Jax has guilt, but he's not depressed. He's not mentally ill. If he wanted to remove himself from Abel and Thomas' life and SAMCRO, all he had to do was leave and never come back. I thought that was his intent when Happy was shot - they'd fake an escape and Jax

You're an idiot if you're checking social media when a TV episode that's coming on later in your time zone is already playing in another time zone and don't want to see spoilers. Even if AMC didn't tweet it, you're running the risk of seeing a spoiler from someone else. I wish AMC would have the stones to say that

I guess that makes the most sense of anything, but why would Rick or Beth let him do it? Noah does seem to be a peacemaker, so it's reasonable he would have given himself up to ensure there was no gunfight, but there's no way Rick would have allowed it. He would say "No - you're with us now. A deal's a deal" -

You're right about the Beth sacrifice thing - it's like Hershel last year, when they suddenly start giving a character major run, you can expect that character to die off - I just don't understand what the episode author's logic was. I mean, there's room for disagreement, but there should at least be some semblance

The first paragraph absolutely makes sense in terms of Dawn's motivation, but not Noah's or Beth's. And if they wanted to go that route, why not have Dawn threaten to shoot Beth unless Noah gives himself up, which leads to Noah agreeing to save Beth (because he likes her), which leads to Beth attacking Dawn to save

I posted this last night but still haven't found an answer. How did the ending scene make sense? Beth and Carol were already with the group and the two cops were back with Dawn. If Dawn wanted Noah back, why would she wait until after the trade was completed to demand him? Wouldn't it make more sense to ask for

AMC is making money for making a great decision on a show to put on their network. I have no problem with that. I'm willing to pay for AMC's track record - Mad Men and Breaking Bad are two of my favorite shows ever.

Sorry, probably a bit harsh. But you should support things you like with your dollars. Re: the anhedonia: my recommendation is to seek professional help.

I read an Entertainment Weekly article that said Beth was the most likely to die in the mid-season finale, so that's where I'm coming from. I was talking about right before this episode, not in general, so both could be right.

You're talking about a dude driving a fire engine to a building. He's not going to have 10 minutes to assess the situation. And it's not Abraham himself is prone to step back and consider things. He's prone to rushing into a situation. I don't think it's unreasonable for Abraham to have done what he did. Maybe not

Current Rick IS Shane. They're indistinguishable. Kirkman said that in response to a viewer question on Talking Dead. It just took him longer to get there. Shane would have done exactly the same thing as Rick in that situation.

I just wanted to say "stoked as fuck" is great.

That's the opposite of reality. Everyone thought Beth would die because she got the big push in this half-season. Same with Hershel a year ago. Rick running the cop over with his car was shocking. Beth dying was called by the Internet.

You watched via a pirated torrent? Nice job, asswipe. If no one paid for the show via their cable subscriptions, it wouldn't exist. Enjoy the content we paid for you to enjoy. Have fun being a taker.

The only thing that would redeem him would be a Lost-style flashback to some major event in his life where he killed someone in a situation that he could have resolved without the kill. Otherwise, he's just being soft for no apparent reason other than "he's a gentle giant character".

Well, the spikes pointed outward were sort of a clear indication they were bunkering down against walkers. It seemed reasonable to me Abraham would want to add to the defense with the fire engine.