Salty Dog

To be fair, how could the series possibly go on for more than an episode or two after Gemma is outed? It's like Ozymandius being in the middle of Breaking Bad season 5 - wouldn't work. I think it's a fair point to question whether dragging out the plot point over an entire season is ridiculous, but the answer

Also, keep in mind Juice tried to kill himself. It makes sense he might not want to save himself. Clearly he has enough guilt built up that it would be reasonable for him to just let himself be punished rather than trying to save himself.

But it isn't truly as a result of his stupid choices, is it? Unless you mean the choice to accept what his mother told him at face value rather than question it, but that isn't really a choice. He has a blind spot because he loves and trusts his mother. Everything that's happened this season is a direct result of

I didn't view the diner scenes as pointless. My take was that Lea Michelle's character was supposed to represent Gemma when she was around that age, before she was involved in the club and ended up turning into the monster she has become. Her son's name was John - no accident there. IMHO the point was to illustrate

To be fair, it is the final season. Things are building toward a climax, so it does make sense things are getting completely out of control. It's also sort of a pulp show; I don't view it as trying to be super-realistic. If you're viewing with a "this could never happen in reality" mindset, it's not going to be as

I agree with a lot of the criticisms, but I will say I enjoyed seeing the noose start to close around Gemma's neck. Juice knows what she did; he might out her to the club. Nero knows Juice had Gemma's SUV; he might put two and two together and realize the only reason she'd help a traitor to the club is because Juice

I really liked that the group escaping Terminus in a single episode inverted our expectations. I fully expected to see Terminus take up 5 or so episodes.

MORGAN! I don't know why everyone isn't shouting that from the rooftops. Cannot wait to see how he's going to play into things. I love Lennie James.

That is a distinct possibility. At some point it seems like they're going to cross-check with each other and piece together that they've all been played. Wouldn't it be crazy if the show ends with Jax getting executed by, say, August Marks when he finds everything out? Then Gemma has to see her son die because of

You don't feel a little sympathy that Jax is on a rampage of murder and lies because his own mother is lying to him about killing his wife? I guess the only argument is "why does he trust her so much?", but come on - isn't it believable a son would implicitly trust his mother about something, no questions asked,

I think people have already mentioned it, but a possible explanation for the sheriff is that she was basically inserted into the job in order to bring down SAMCRO. She's trying to gain their trust to exploit it. Certainly plausible - remember all of the federal entanglements from previous years. The feds aren't

When it was started, the point of SAMCRO was to ride motorcycles, hang out, drink beer, get high, etc. There was surely some illicit business, but it wasn't a gang. Clay and Gemma turned it into a gang with gun running, drug smuggling, etc. I think your "what is the point?" question actually gets to the heart of

I agree. I need reviews to clearly recap what happened with some analysis. Sonya's reviews tend to spiral off into deep theory about religious implications and such. Which is fine, I'm sure some people like it, but I'm just looking for a recap and discussion of how this episode relates to the previous ones, where it

Clearly not the case, would be too interesting.

I feel like I'm Martin Starr in "Party Down", but any time magic of any sort is introduced, I check out. It's too much of a cheat. I need Lindelof to have a hard sci fi intervention where he's strapped to a chair and forced to agree that if he can't explain the logic behind how/why something works or is important,

Justin Theroux was so good on Parks and Recreation.

It's not hate - look over at True Blood season 7 and Dexter season 8 for that. I think it's more disappointment. Almost everyone loved Lost up until the point where it started to become clear it was just going to end without many things being explained. Then you had lots of people turn on it and feel like they

I agree 100%. It's like opening a restaurant called "Damon's Donuts" and then serving kale to everyone. Maybe I like kale, but I was here for the donuts.

But those episodes were sprinkled through the run of The Sopranos. They worked because they were an odd change of pace. I feel like we're in some bizarro world where it's a mark of pride to be inscrutable. It's like some weird performance art exhibition and everyone's supposed to enjoy it "because it's art". Could

I am totally frustrated with this show.