Kilgore Trout

Another non-sequitur.

Haha, that's your kind Christian heart speaking?

Yup, definitely mixed up.

None of that relates to my comment.

How can you say with any confidence that he couldn't have done that?

You are getting your ideologies mixed up, guy.

Hell is imaginary, like Trump getting reelected.

Soros is such a bro.

True men shitpost in comments sections.

Your famously low attention spans contradict that.

"If you don't count the votes that didn't go like we wanted them to then we won!"

He's Zoroastrian actually and he later converts his village to Christianity.

You guys are kidding yourselves if you think you represent the people.

He called people rapefugees. Why are you defending that kind of shit?

There's a link to this article on the Drudge Report. That's where all the genuises are coming from.

Constructing your own reality is a step on the way to serious mental illness.

The character Borat is not a muslim.

Are you saying that socialists and stalinists like corporations?

You bemoan the lack of science skills yet you support a scientifically illiterate president. How does that work?

How did you lose your humanity?