Damn Obama and his black socialist muslim magic!
Damn Obama and his black socialist muslim magic!
Damn Obama and his black socialist muslim magic!
Damn Obama and his black socialist muslim magic!
Damn Obama and his black socialist muslim magic!
Why should they be killed?
Thank you for bravely exposing the truth on the AV Club comments section.
Clowning lives on.
I disagree, but thanks for the upvote bub.
The article isn't even particularly long. He's just an intellectually lazy git.
Oh hey, you're that guy who was being dishonest about Sweden.
You don't understand a little thing called context.
Richard Spencer is raging for the return of the brutal inhuman machine called White Nationalist Patriarchy.
Come on, we can think Assange is a piece of shit AND not condone illegal political killings.
He's calling you out on your blatant dishonesty.
"But Mr. Marlow [Breitbart's editor in chief], speaking on Breitbart’s daily radio show Tuesday, also defended Mr. Yiannopoulos, saying there was no evidence Mr. Yiannopoulos had acted as a sexual predator and that he had been a victim of a “coordinated hit” by liberal groups intent on hurting his ascent."
Your article simply doesn't say anything about proportionality.
What I got from that article is that some refugee men treat women like shit just like some Swedish men do.
It's certainly also a favourite talking point of right-wing populists here.
As a Scandinavian and a human being this deceitful shit pisses me off to no end.
Finally Trump is taking notice of us Scandinavians and making us part of his war on objective truth!