Kilgore Trout

He ridiculed a transgender student in front of one of his crowds. He even showed off a picture of the student as he was doing this. Wouldn't you classify that as hate speech?

I think you'll find that Steven Pinker does not in any way support the gender political views of someone like Milo. So you're misinterpreting his views in a very big way.

The fact that there are biological differences between men and women does not lead to the conclusion that we should regress to 18th century gender politics as Milo and his followers would like.

And now a non-sequitur.

Strawman much?

Worthington's law in action!

I get where you are coming from, but from my experience Milo's fans don't care much for intellectual fights. For them it's all about the rhetoric, the controversial statements and the anti-PC sentiment. But believe me, I will enjoy watching Maher destroy Milo. My only point is that it won't shift the attitudes of

Who did Trever Noah interview?

Many articles have been written exposing him as an attention-seeking troll. The problem is that his supporters admire him for being a troll and saying the most offensive things.


It wouldn't surprise me if that turned out to be true.

Milo's "point of view" is basically all about trolling in the most despicable way to give himself more attention.

What compelling evidence?