B. Pratt

Walter White upon the Iron Throne.

Man, why not just make an original universe with the same Romero-esque rules? Like Contagion, with zombies (that itself a zombie movie without zombies)? It might be more dramatic if we don't know that stuff will spiral out of control.

Huh. Are you aware of the more recent, 'last' White Event that occurred in Marvel NOW? There's a new Starbrand, too.

Well, you're smart enough to rhyme. /yawn

Oh good, not only are you an empty-headed bigot, you've been spewing your poison just as effectively as OSC. No wonder you're quick to come to his aid.

That's more a statement about the general intelligence of people that would seek to count you among their number than anything else.

What a thoughtless, empty-headed bigot you are. Your views will never again be the majority. If you find that hard to stomach, perhaps you should go join the Montana Militia. I hear they need breed mules.

When the pendulum swings back to everyone being racist gay bashers? The pendulum will swing back to conservatism at some point, but SCOTUS has already said sexual preference is a suspect classification. That genie isn't going back in the bottle.


Eh, I think you need both scarcity and coincidence to plausibly limit an effect to a single individual. Captain America's shield is special because it is made of vibranium (rare), and because of some X factor no one else has been able to replicate. Wolverine's healing factor (rare) enabled his adamantium skeleton

The dialog here was really underwhelming.

Given what's been established about the names of pubs, and the fact that the two times King attempted anything the world was fundamentally altered, I'd say the ending was pretty damn hopeful.

I'm betting if she were made a member of the council, the Guild would immediately become about a hundred times more effective.

I think Lana's depressed. Like actually, suicidal depressed. :/