George Kaplan

Harriet Tubman was twice the actress!


More like INTERNOT, amirite?

You do that. Give it a good ol' think.

Y'know, an anagram for Jeremy Irons is Jersey Minor. Think about it.


Uh…Gyne grrroup.

Sorry, it doesn't count. But if it's any consolation, have an upvote!

The A.V. Club

His full name is Barrold, you clod.

I'll have you know I was a teenager when it was released, and I'm doing neither of those things.

I….I've been to that club.

They can be two things!

I thought they closed that place down!

You know, A.A. Dowd turned into Jay Sherman so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Hank Scorpio.

Yes, let's all get over-moist.

He should never have left The Daily Show.

I think Trevor Howard wounds Lime, but Martins finishes him off with a revolver he takes off one of the fallen soldiers.

Holly Martins. An alcoholic, hack writer, who shoots his best friend in the back, and tries to steal his girl.