
what theories?

I too am of the theory that Brienne will meet LS at the end of the season. Why else would they start Brienne quest this season and how else would they end her story for the season. But if they do wow its really gonna change the timeline of events.

Though I got a good kick from the slow ride gag

For hands of gold are always cold, but a woman's hands are warm……

those posters are really nice though

In some ways I might prefer John Turturro, De Niro is a bit overexposed

Yep Charles Dance is a BAMF

Good point, definitely something to think about

Oh, one more thing. Even though in the books its heavily implied that Olenna poisons Joff, its never 100% confirmed.

I too trust David and D,B, but there were two things I didn't like/missed from this ep.
1. No Kevan Lannister. I liked that he was the 'grounded' Lannister and if the show goes where the book goes it would be nice to still see him around. 2. I really hated the brothel scene. Tywin thinks of himself as the most

He probably tried to give the speech to Joff, but since Joff is a little shit he wouldn't have listened

Well the book and most likely the show will go into why Olenna was convinced. And as for her not wearing the necklace, I think that she did not want to get caught with the poison/ not wanting anyone besides Littlefinger knowing that she wanted poison, separation of duties in the murder plot

Leo reallly wants that oscar

Yep, Ward definitely wants to get Skye's alien goo ;)

To delay writing moar of the book

Give Bryan Cranston all the emmys

A ladle full of stew ;0

I understand the limitations that they are under, but it is a shame since the Jon/council, Tywin/Jamie, Breinne/Margery, and Tyrion/Red Viper scenes would have been way better with a bit more dialog and would have added more depth to the characters

well I'm glad that there was at least one episode this season that didn't go up in smoke.

that last line rick said should have went like… "there gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out…. there screwing with the main cast members of this show"