
Harassment and corporate espionage?

Well for what it's worth, about five years ago I had a friend tell me that The Town wasn't as good as Suckerpunch. The argument that ensued was not pleasant.

It's mostly a reflection of the evangelical megachurch they belong to. And being so close to Baylor.

He may have his own fulfilling career, but he'll always be Malcolm McDowell's nephew Alexander Siddig to me!


Honestly, I thought those two would be the ones to divorce. Sometimes she seems really into his goofiness and then the rest you can just watch her retreat into her happy place while this overgrown twelve year-old with a spare tire and a farmer's tan embarrasses himself on national tv.

*Unless it's Fixer Upper, and then you're getting into the partisan squabbling over shiplap. And the virulent homophobia I guess

I'm guessing Cogsworth. He's part of another Odd Couple dynamic and since Lumiere is banging the feather duster…

Correction: there was one Hobbit movie, it was created by Rankin/Bass and animated by the studio who would become Ghibli. And it was awesome.

It was worth it just for Session 9

Should've known in an action movie thread that there'd be no love for Moonstruck

Considering that another season will supposedly be covering Monica Lewinsky… yes. Yes it is.

Also, the Kung Fu Panda trilogy is shockingly solid

I love Felix Castor. I'm still not over it being pretty much on indefinite hiatus.

Fool! It was Digimon, digital monsters, Digimon are the champions.

Honestly, some of Disney's "adaptations" have been such loose interpretations that they could go back to source material of something they've already done and make an entirely different movie (here's looking at you, Frozen).
But I'm with you, I'm disappointed with Disney on this one. Since they've been remaking their

A very attractive man who very boneheadedly said that Italian-American actors go through the same discrimination as African-American actors and ruined a whoooole bunch of good will?

Is this different than Chocolate's handicap match ending, where (SPOILER) two handicapped people literally fight each other for the boss battle?

And if industry gossip is true, shelters high-power pedophiles

I think that list would end up being depressingly long considering the way Hollywood stars are sheltered from any kind of consequences for their actions