Can't help but think of the running gag during the RIfftraxes of the X-Men films comparing all of the ways Wolverine is not like his animal motif.
Can't help but think of the running gag during the RIfftraxes of the X-Men films comparing all of the ways Wolverine is not like his animal motif.
Dammit I want the old style bridges back with their buttons that resemble hard candies.
What is with these Klingons, are they supposed to be some kind of Space Orcs?
So it's like the Wonder Years, only douchier and even more treacly.
Unlike his contemporaries like Stephen Colbert, Fallon has never been known as much of a political comedian, favoring lip-sync battles and laughing at his own jokes over systematic takedowns of the current political regime.
I've seen some people sharing this obvious joke conspiracy theory for a laugh, that Lindsay Lohan had a twin who starred with her in the The Parent Trap remake, kept away from the spotlight afterwards and was killed under mysterious circumstances and was thus unpersoned by a Disney cover-up. Other people have, of…
In a darker vein I once encounter someone on the internet who insisted that Richard Jeni didn't commit suicide. Rather, he faked his death so he could go into hiding without fear that whoever was after him - on this point of his theory this person was vague - would come after him.
Much like the original, it looks terrible. The original was a terrible show featuring more stereotypes than a thousand Harry Potter fanfictions and is solid proof that just because a show wins enough Emmys to fill an awards case and the cast got nominated every season doesn't mean those are signs of 'quality'.
Which reminds me of this fake random Giallo generator, found here:…
I've seen people claim that GB2016 is a superior movie to the original because "the effects are better".
I love this infinite race to the bottom the film industry is engaged in with this whole blockbusters based on vintage stories that have been adapted before, but they've been "modernized" for the short-attention span crowd and run through the Generic Decision-by-Comittee Blockbuster machine.
Juicero deserved all of the scorn it got and more — it was a pure example of what many companies do these days: take some common product that has been sold for ages at low prices, something crushingly banal in it's everyday utility, add a touch screen or a smartphone connection or an app and call it a smart product.…
I suppose his career now will be appearing in movies that are follow-ups to films he was in decades ago, stumbling out of the shadows, perhaps holding a weapon, to mumble "It's all true…"
Funny thing, from what I read when Hasbro acquired Tonka they acquired the intellectual property, such as it is, of the Go-Bots. They acquired the characters, names and stories but not the actual toys since Tonka only licensed them and they were made by Bandai, and they didn't acquire the Go-Bots cartoon since that…
At some point, I found King unreadable. He worked best when he was writing about limited, tangible threats: a crazy fan, a rabid dog, a car that drives itself. But at some point, maybe yeah, as early as "The Stand," he got a thing for Big Ideas and started cranking out 800+-pagers that never paid off in the third act.…
I can see how some fans might have some misgivings about putting Jack in a romantic relationship but of course plenty of people have taken it way too far and in weird directions on social media, especially Tumblr. Oh man, especially Tumblr. Not that everyone on there is a nut but the nuts have flocked to the platform…
Here I thought Dashcon couldn't be topped.
I assume this is a honeypot operation designed to create an FBI watchlist of some sort.
Welp, this cyberpunk dystopa really blows.
Today on House Hunters: