Commander X

Movie studios seem to run on a Proverbs 26:11-based principal.

Tucker Max's punchlines consisted pretty much of "then I threw that dumb broad out!" He catered to the target audience for "humiliation porn". His idea of hilarity was endlessly quoting Sling Blade.

I can't wait for Hamilton II to come out soon.

"For a transcript of the poop scene send $2.99 to Journal Graphics."

:on the sight of Tim, shirtless:

"There's a red scarf floating in the air! Oh-oh no it's just her, she's wearing camouflage."

"She envies my smoked aviator glasses."

There seems to have been a bit of Bigfoot horror fiction being published in recent years, from my browsing on Amazon, a lot of small press stuff.

It would be almost a novelty for a new network TV series in the legal/cop show/etc. related categories to not feature a dysfunctional cretin as it's main protagonist. There's a wide gulf of difference between a convincingly flawed protagonist and an over-the-top one-note buffoon.

It reminds me of the fake sitcoms referenced in that one episode of Comedy Bang Bang where Scott Aukerman is also starring in a hokey show called Scott Through The Heart, we see the titles of some of the other shows in production at the studio, like Dan And Wife, Karen Is Sharon, Single Black Gail, Kathleen On Me, and

There's a brief glimpse of what it could be like

Stanley Kubrick was in charge of directing the faked moon mission footage but his drive for perfection lead to astronauts being sent to the moon to film it.

Did the waifu pillow have fingers with built in plasma cutters?

The late 60's-early 70's version gets accused of being super square but it has more than a few good episodes and moments, like "The Big Ad" where an ex-con clues in the cops after his desperate classified ad stating he was eager to do any honest work for $1000 got a reply that sounds like someone's trying to solict a

I can't think of Daria without thinking of some of the crazy stuff some fans got into, especially those people who were viewing the show through the prism of their unresolved feelings about high school, often written into fanfiction.

See, it's funny because rapping about a subject like some hokey 1980s sitcom like The Golden Girls isn't something you'd expect! GJ,I! is not for nothing the best content aggregator on the internet!

I only dabbled with CoC back in the day; then in the 1990s I got into Delta Green, the game/sourcebook that blended elements of conspiracies, covert action, a secret organization that sprang into being after the Innsmouth raid, devoted to fighting against the forces of the Mythos and "delay the inevitable for a few

Also, Lovecraft's mother (from what I've gleaned) before she ended up in an asylum herself raised him via such methods as keeping him inside the house all day, making him navigate around their house in the dark and telling him he couldn't go outside because his face was so ugly he would frighten other children.

How about the Toxic Shock Avenger?

"We do not forgive, we do not forget, we do not leave our parents' basements…"