Commander X

I myself can't wait for Hamilton 2, parts of the script have already been leaked:

Holy crap Lois, this is like the time a mediocre cartoonist was able to embed himself into American pop-culture.

I wonder if any of them mention Stranger Things in their acts…

The final "joke" will be on the Cincinnati Zoo when, a hundred, a thousand years from now on the site where the zoo once stood, instead stands tall and proud the Temple of Esoteric Harambism.


I'm guessing a movie won't be made of Alten's "The Shell Game" his novel/9/11 truther treatise

Hot tip for anyone thinking of running a news org: If you don't want people to sue you into bankruptcy then you shouldn't break the law in clear and obvious ways.

His stunt double will many times obviously be a person in a fatsuit. In the fights, Seagal will barely move, using some sort of cranked up sissy slapfight moves yet opponents will be sent flying into furniture and windows at 100mph

Seinfeld inspired some imitators whose makers seemed to miss the point and then Friends itself inspired numerous imitators, with network suits spending much of the mid and late 1990s stuffing it and Seinfeld into the Xerox machine and repeatedly pressing Copy until the toner ran dry, till you couldn't find one network

"My next idea, it's all about…what if…weed, could smoke weed?" :overly indulgent chuckle:

I'm glad we have big-budget R-rated cartoon films aimed at adults now. Children's cartoons just can't tackle these mature and thought provoking themes, due to their target audience.

Rogen also announces his next R-rated animation project which doesn't have a title, but according to Rogen the premise is "like, what if..weed…(indulgent chuckle) could smoke weed? I mean, what would happen then, huh?"

Oh man, this guy is off the chain, he doesn't care WHO he offends, what a wildman.

Carpenter Brut, the madmen. Punishing is a good word to describe the sound, just listening to most of their tracks makes me want to get involved in something appropriate for it to be set to, like a car chase where someone is trying to run me off the road.

A stupid idea, on Kickstarter? Impossible.

Bad movies that are amusing to watch tend not to be made like Sharknados, that sort of phony, forced attempt at making "cult" movies irritates me.

The formula for some, shall we say, post-Lost TV series, some of which don't even have Abrams' name in the credits, looks like this:

Zat ees how eet ees whaaan you ahre Franch! Aw haw haw haw haw haw! :adjusts beret:

BREAKING: Excerpts from script for Hamilton 2 leaked