Commander X

And there've been so many surf rock instrumental covers of the Munsters theme, just covers in general.

There was also that 1990s film based on Leave It To Beaver, during that 90s glut of movies based on "classic" TV and film properties - spurred on by some projects that had been long in development limbo finally making it to the screen and others being rushed out the door. That film version was a sad mutant, the makers

Redtube to start subscription service called "Redtube You".

I gave it a try and it didn't really sound like a radio show, more like a series of "dramatic readings" of somebody's mediocre attempts at horror fiction.

As opposed to the sort of adults that for-real imagine they are the true target market for Harry Potter, other YA series, and basically all children's media. I find these sort of people to be mildly disturbing. Like the sort of people who would complain online about going to Harry Potter movies or what have you and

"[The toy] told my son to put a slave cuff around the black character’s neck, and then to play with the toy.”
"We're going to do this thing kid, your gonna play with me and like it or else maybe your dog gets run over by a car or God forbid somebody sets your house on fire, I mean

Also starring author Fritz Lieber in a cameo as the scientist.

When I tried vaping I went to local shops looking for something small and portable and of decent quality. Like a step up from the pen-shaped ones but not a lot of vapor so I could use it discretely in public. The guys at the shops though, almost invariably insisted that I needed to get one of those super ultra

But there is something of an obnoxious vaping…"culture" I guess you could call it, that has gathered around the practice, and I say this as someone who has tried e-cigs myself. They've become the electronic equivalent of a fedora in some peoples' hands. I don't go to vape shops though because most of them, at least in

It was a real surprise to me that I enjoyed Jack Reacher the film, and it was a shame McQuarrie was put in movie director jail for years after "failure" of The Way of the Gun. I mean, I enjoyed that movie, lots of people have since then but you know it didn't do to well at the box office back when and received some

Ghost in the Machine at least alerted us to all of the kooks out there on the 90s internet, like the techno-anarchists.

From what I've read in retrospectives and interviews, by the time of the second season, Mark Frost was involved in prepping and shooting his movie Storyville, and Lynch was off doing art exhibits. The cast was stranded with second tier writers and directors who injected a bunch of "quirky" humor and brought in a

To quote from the riff, Palance is ranting at the king about how

Among my favorite Liartown entries, there is the ad for "Falcon's Hive", displaying a wide range of ridiculous fictional falconry accessories LEDs for underwing lighting, various designer and anthropomorphic perches like the "Child Santa", the "Autumn Dad" and the Iron Man Mark V armor arm (Softglow LED nightlight

The main problem would be the possibility that Claptrap would be brought to the silver screen and that character is in the "cons" column of Borderlands for me. Some parts are funny and some parts are meme-ish and…Claptrap. Oh, the zany robot who says weird and inappropriate stuff, oh my sides, that's always a well

Gunship's "Pink Mist" was also pretty good, one of my favorite tracks from Retro Promenade's John Carpenter tribute album, featuring tracks by the likes of VHS Glitch and Lazerhawk:

The original Star Wars got by on genuine enthusiasm—everybody looked like they were having a good time, even wry old Alec Guinness—and otherworldly editing, both in turning Lucas's ridiculous script into an approachable story and keeping the finished film moving briskly.