The Russian and Sal moved in together in a beautiful house overlooking The Pine Barrens
The Russian and Sal moved in together in a beautiful house overlooking The Pine Barrens
I'll email him.
Just like his old boss, David Chase, this ending was merely a copout
He's with the Russian in the Pine Barrens
If he went back to McCann then what was accomplished? Nothing- he went back to the person he always was, a lying, cheating drunk.
Another "Woe-was-me i have such great life that alas, something must be wrong with it."
Great episode, this show always excels when the whole episode is about the business and not their dreary miserable personal lives.
What we do not need is some brooding ending after 7 years of watching this.
I wonder if he hasn't been dead the whole series and this is a lonely man looking back on his horrible life.
Here's my take: I think "Di" is actually death and she is leading Don thru his life (interesting how all facets of his life were included in this episode- marriages, business, children, past indescretions, etc.) and at the end of the show, he is standing there with nothing around him, it's all gone.
The whole show is turning one-dimensional. I'm waiting for the moment where Bianca learns she has been misdiagnosed and she doesn't have cancer. Maybe then Frank realizes he was used as he has been using people his whole life.
Dude, there have been many HBO documentaries that have received a Academy Award nomination.
Debate all you want, Jarecki deserves an Oscar for this and he will probably get it.
Lots of "Guest Stars" i this episode
Travolta losing to Richard Dreyfus in 1978 was the crime of the century.
You know, i always loved Michael Keaton as an actor but he looked so white trash sitting there in the front row hacking on his chewing gum the whole night.
So Jon Stewart is leaving The Daily Show-
I have to agree with you there. There really is no plausible explanation as to how he got off that boat alive.
I would have to think that Jimmy/Steve is now a doctor since he needed only another year or so of med school? I bet he is a doc and it was his $100 the woman was giving Fiona each week in the diner.