
I'm probably late to the party like usual, but I stumbled upon the Rick and Morty reenactment of that state of georgia vs. denver fenton allen thing on youtube, its completely nuts and utterly fantastic. It's almost enough to get me through the next year and a half.

This series manages to be completely unnecessary while also being well-done and totally worth reading.

From what I can tell, he basically played himself in Justified.

I know, right?!

What ever happened to Pinchy?

Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

It'd have been great if Rock had looked mad when they cut to him.

I prefer to simply cite the source text in this case. Kusanagi may or may not be Asian: we don't know because her entire body is artificial, and it is not necessarily a perfect copy of the original.

A real Cat Ass Trophy


He plays a white guy on TV, though.

Its a great game, I've been meaning to revisit it. My own love for this type of game stems from Castle of the Winds, though, which was itself inspired by Rogue.

Personally I'm waiting for Randy Quaid to weigh in on this.

"So What? I'm the only caterer in town!"


McKinnon does such a good Clinton that I can't help but dislike it.

Many, many flaws in this film (what, no mention of the hilariously not-even-remotely-resembling-Arnold Schwarzeneggar-stunt-motorcycle-rider?)

My, AV Club is becoming delightfully subversive as of late.

"Then get in the van, shithead"

No they don't.