
The observation that someone made above - that she is turning into Adam Sandler - is valid for at least one reason: her movies make a lot of money, whether they are panned or acclaimed.

Dad, why did you take me to a gay steel mill?

Good comedy is much, much harder than drama, I think. The list of dramatic actors successfully doing comedy is a much shorter one. Note that I specify "good" comedy.

I'm not a huge fan of the show; but her TV persona is much different from her film persona. On Mike and Molly there is at least some attempt to have her portray a human woman.

I easily could but I don't want to click on any of these horrible ads, above.

She's a smart comedienne, which is admittedly seldom evident in her film work.

Steve Martin always had range.

I liked Badmotorfinger; I stumbled on it by accident and bought because it looked cool when I was a teenager. But after a while all the songs kind of sounded the same, which is not a hallmark of grunge, necessarily, but is certainly a hallmark of a band without many ideas. When Black Hole Sun came out, any goodwill

To this day my favourite bit for no particular reason is

"Big chinned yutz reading typos from the Palookaville Post".

They were indeed Harryhausenesque, but I would like to point out that those skeletons were fucking cool, too.

Dad, why did you bring me to a gay steel mill?

I think they definitely have to use him for that.

Couldn't agree more. Check out his host gig of the Espies that one time. The reactions of the athletes is as hilarious as his material. They HATED him! And his OJ joke at the end - even 20 years later - cracked me up.

So the podcast is not coming back? I know it was officially "on hiatus". But like a lot of his projects, looks like it might be dead a little early.

Norm being on TV in any form would make me so fucking happy. He would actually be the true spiritual successor to Dave Letterman, if you think about it.

Sort of… but more universal.

I'd be surprised if Clowes' "Tina" in Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron wasn't the inspiration for this character. First thing I thought of, anyway.

Nick: I'm a hero. I was shot twice in the Tribune.