
I love the dynamic of Jimmy being extremely good at his job, and you get the pleasure of watching him spit game, come up with good ideas, and triumph, but he can't enjoy is triumphs because he's not achieving them in the right way. Really satisfying to watch, but also isn't just fantasy fulfillment.

That shot of all the phone lines lighting up with Jimmy in the background was beautiful.

Seriously, that's the feeling I loved about Breaking Bad. Sometimes you watch a show and you think, "well, maybe that character wouldn't exactly react to that situation in that way," or "that's not entirely consistent with this…" But with Breaking Bad I got the sense that you could go up to any of the writers and quiz

The man would have compromised his vision, man

Oh god I was wondering what that was. I forgot. Haha!

Was Rylance… anything? He was barely there in a nothing movie. At least Stallone made me feeling something.

I was thinking he was storing stolen pills in the hiding place, but money probably makes more sense.

I think Nacho stole the drugs, and don't know about the cards. Maybe Price is trying to take advantage of the break in by pretending to lose something valuable? Probably Nacho took them though.

I don't think so

Haha have you seen Lawless? He's a bit more intelligible in this than he was in that. Like half understandable.

Haha have you seen Lawless? He's a bit more intelligible in this than he was in that. Like half understandable.

He was good in Dredd.

I was wondering while playing if the game would work if it didn't have the horror angle at all. I think the environment would be creepy enough, even without something chasing you around it. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe you need a different kind of gameplay to break up the exploration. I just kept dreading the monster

Totally agree. I would have loved to quit the game in the middle of it, but I really wanted to find out what happened. Really wish it was an adventure game.

Soma is one of the most interesting and most frustrating games I've played this year. So much about the story, the fixing things gameplay, and the environment were great. But the monsters and the pacing where absolutely terrible. It's a game I could never bring myself to play again. I really wish they didn't bring the

Ren isn't a Sith Lord, he's an angry 20-something with some training in the force from Luke and Snoke. He clearly isn't the most competent person out there, just look at how Snoke treated him in from of Domhnall Gleeson. It's also implied that while Rey isn't trained, she's immensely powerful and maybe even

I guess I just found No Country much more interesting.

Yeah. Thinking back on it, I think maybe it was just that it never reached the heights of that border scene again. And the plot kind of didn't go anywhere that I was interested in. I like the Del Toro scenes, but I didn't really understand why we were supposed to care about his revenge.

I see what you're saying, and for me that was true up until the Mexico border scene was over. And then it kind of lost my interest.

I thought Sicario looked and sounded great, but I felt like it had nothing to say. Nothing new, at least.