Marshall Law

Contrarian opinion alert! Darienne was my favorite in the top 4, and I never really viewed her as a villain. She didn't have transparent viciousness that Roxxy(sp?) and Phi Phi had, she just throws a little shade and never forgot that this was a competition. With that being said, I am so glad she went out with a bang,

I think we have a very different definition of "shapely male ass".

Hasn't the Kinsley scale been proven to be bullshit since like forever ago?

I'm pretty sure Carmen doesn't speak fluent spanish, she admitted during her lipsynch, but said she'd turn it anyway.

Really that messy ass executive look "whanged it out of the park"? I do not get this Adore love, girl is less polished than S3 Shangela, and should not have made it this far.

How did you read Darienne's reaction as gloating? If anything it was a tongue in cheek response to their rocky relationship throughout this season's run.

I also like Darienne, and she's honestly my favorite in the top 4 (Courtney being a distant 2nd), I know she won't win, but I'm glad she's there.

How the fuck did Adore win this challenge? Her looks were fucking awful. The wig on her first look was crooked (the boots were also ill-fitting). Her second look was terrible (that wig? the entire fucking suit was ill fitting and looked like menswear). And her third look was a corset that was bedazzled with some tulle