Oh, I think Jaime will end up killing her one way or another, but I think it's safe to say that it won't be as well set up as the books appear to be making it.
Oh, I think Jaime will end up killing her one way or another, but I think it's safe to say that it won't be as well set up as the books appear to be making it.
Dragons. Or armies will just show up as needed. I wouldn't expect any kind of logical setup given the way Cersei's rise has happened.
Everything related to Cersei's ascendance is annoying, so I just kind of tune out how dumb it is. At least the dialogue wasn't too cringeworthy this episode. I only got particularly annoyed when Sansa corrected Winterfell's armorers, as it felt like a hamfisted way to show how smart and capable she is. At least…
Oh sure. I counted that in not always working.
I get the impression that it doesn't always work and carries a high risk of infection for the doctor, or at least that's what I'm going with to justify shipping people off to a dead city rather than trying to cure them.
The most annoying part to me is that he didn't just kill all of the Dornish and Yara. Now we'll get some bullshit scenes of them in captivity at King's Landing. If you're going to have an illogical sea battle, at least don't set up future tedium in the process.
I kind of agree that they've done a good job. The first four seasons are a brilliant adaptation. I think people have forgiven the show's weaknesses in subsequent seasons because of that. If the show began at the same level of quality as season 5 or 6, I don't think it would have become such a hit. It's not entirely…
King's Landing is apparently only populated by a few servants, a few Queen's Guards, Qyburn, Cersei and Jamie. Events in King's Landing were a mixed bag leaning towards dumb for much of last season. They became a clusterfuck when Cersei blew up the central church of the largest religion in Westeros along with her most…
What are you on about? He was going to be out $20,000. After all of his maneuvering, he's out $22,000 instead. That's a $2,000 net loss compared to if he'd settled straight away.
Yes, but the net loss was $2,000.
And yet it's the only show that has caused me to laugh out loud since Party Down. It's like comedy is subjective or something.
Ah, I didn't look that closely at it. It would make more sense to have the Dornish march overland and hook up with the Tyrell armies, giving your landing fleet support from the West when you assault King's Landing. Or send them to secure Lannisport and Casterly Rock.
The show used to do a lot of things. But maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
It's not finances. The Tyrells rule the breadbasket of Westeros. The city will starve if they want it to. Not that I expect the show to address it.
Story-wise, Pycelle was probably killed separately because Qyburn wanted to see him die, as Pycelle is a real Maester and looks down on Qyburn. In reality, I think it happened because they wanted to shoehorn in something from the books, the kids stabbing someone.
I didn't mind that part of it. People have had short reigns with no legitimate claims to thrones throughout history. She has no power outside of King's Landing really. The Riverlands just went from reasonably stable ally to chaos again with Arya's murders. I expect she'll be killed pretty early next season.
I think that's a reasonable assumption, but the only thing she loves nearly as much herself are her kids. I just would have liked something besides her stunned look during the announcement about the Trial by Combat ban. I also have issues with Trial by Combat being banned by the Faith in the first place, but that's…
I would have liked something consistent with her character when it came to Tommen's death. Or something in the previous episodes to indicate he was already dead to her.
I would find that ending almost as satisfying as Littlefinger on the throne.
I'm pretty sure Hands are a Targaryen thing, but I could be wrong.