Brandon Allen

That's whole thing. You are actually genuine…but I mean that doesn't stop you from moving to the next one.

Don't take away my role models! I'm an artist merchant too.

Damon's gonna explode in a ball of cognitive dissonance if he has to give a Kappa praise.

What is Young Ma? Cellist?

I keep the paper bags I get, so the "plastic bag under the sink" philosophy lives on.

You can't have enough.

A little. The flavor packet isn't even diluted. That water needs to disperse that weeks worth of sodium.

Is it? It seems more like something a hustler preacher would come up with to make himself sound smart tbh.

I'm not claiming Bougie-ness but there's nothing worse than unnecessary words.

Just say… "today"…drives me crazy.

Here's a mystery I need an answer to.

The album is actually really good.

Sausages with tomato paste? Why? I never want to live right then…

Raised good?

I mean you could also use this method with a pot…

"Typically" Of course there's black men doing this kind of stuff. Not absolving anyone just doesn't appear to be a black figurehead like Milo out here doing this sort of stuff.

Honestly, I don't think black people are typically masterminding these hate groups/attacks. Henchmen/goon evil.

Can someone hip me to what sparked these attacks on Leslie specifically? Why does this turd from Breitbart have it our for her? The sacredness of Ghostbusters was ruined by the black woman or something?

I'm not syaing he got Eddie money…but he was just in Fast and Furious 7. He must of caught that Sam "I'll do anything" Jackson syndrome when he did this.

I was like…where is she?