Brandon Allen

I mean it's always been a class from jump. The race thing is a veil.

Ball isn't life?

It's easy to be loud and upset to be honest.

American Cheese is indeed trash. Follow - up, and I'm trying to save you here: How many times have your underwear been your hoop shorts?

I mean at the end of the day it's all veiled class politics anyway.

It's 2016. Being in your feelings is a multi million dollar industry.

What has basketball done to you but be there for you?

I feel it happens on quieter streets and past obstacles and thresholds.
Turn a corner? A little hesitation dribble. Pass a doorway? Slap that layup on the door frame,.

You're talking about the video, or just saying things that don't fit the accepted wave in general?

It's not that sweet, watery, NOT juicy, and the flesh is all mealy.
It's Trash.

*Eats delicious Mango and Kiwi as I row toward the horizon*

Here's my black question: Men in an hour long walk BY YOURSELF, how many times do you pretend to dribble a basketball?

I can't read all your comments to see how you were getting shot down but basically, have an understanding of nuance. Think about history and how it affects things.
For me all of this stuff was soooo basic, it was like, we're you not raised? And maybe they weren't. But people just say things without actually thinking

Well you ain't saving nobody like that and they gonna keep poppin up.
Drag and Teach if you must.

I do want to say this. Remember! Everybody ain't woke y'all. Don't be so quick to drag. Teach.

Black folks are shy about dealing with medical professionals" period.
The answer to most of the questions is either:
A: Institutional Racism B. All of the Above

Watermelon is nasty anyway.

You're not missing anything. It's just people don't expect Buzzfeed to be so offbase. Just kind corny.

Yo if you're from somewhere hot you're more prone to be late.

My big issue bout these questions is that they're straight
"afterschool special" tap water that sat out all night. Not refreshing or interesting at all. If you don't know the answer to these questions, you need a course not a flippant buzzfeed video.