2005 is a little more accurate. Can't forget about 50 like that!
2005 is a little more accurate. Can't forget about 50 like that!
Did you see Melo humiliate himself yesterday?
Quite storm conservative radio. There's a niche for everybody.
You talking about Aloha with Emma Stone? I kind of thought that backlash was kind of.misplaced.
I understand Zoes predicament but naw bruh.
Producers often try to paint diversity by numbers.
At least people in marriages and relationship are standing on the middle ground. Single people complain and don't want to take a step.
2K >>>>> Listening
Just put her on speaker on the arm rest.
It's low intimacy initially.
I think it's just single people who have to come to terms with their own neuroses and shortcomings. There's a middle ground. It's just about if people are willing to meet there.
Clarity. This is a agreeable and makes sense.
Let me rephrase. What if it's not real…yet? Like Jordan from the letter is obviously tripping but when do you expect a call?
Prior to texting?
I can't find that in this scroll length thread.
What if it's not real?
Maybe he can, maybe he can't but it's just another thing. I'm not saying phone calls are bad. But if you're not even willing to text which requires less time, why should he call you?
I'm not even tall but I dated a girl who was 5' flat once upon a time and it was just inconvenient. I couldn't imagine being tall and have to crane my neck to take pictures and listen to someone that short all the time.
I didn't say I WOULD prefer to have a serious convo via text but it can be done. When you're at work, when you're in a crowded public space, when you're on transit. If someone says something that you need to send an immediate clear detailed response you can do it via text.
I'm not even trying to be funny here but men compartmentalize their time like this. It couldn't all be so simple.
Wahh-waahh wahh wahh texting wahh wahh