Kieran Cowan

He was a profoundly consummate voice actor, and I worry no one is going to mention what a great Dr. Watson he was. Because he really was.

Actually, she didn't. Of the 12 Miss Marple novels, only four are set in St. Mary Mead, and two of them are about outside groups at only tangentially involve the town. Only the first one, Murder at the Vicarage really involves deaths of people in her home town. She goes to other towns, on holiday, or when sent for by

More than that, it's the death he escaped in his last CIA mission, being told to stand in the place a missile is being headed to, but here he isn't being betrayed, he's made a choice.

I loved that Harold's happy ending is of him approaching Grace who is painting the Duomo in one of downtown Florence's many totally non-existent parks. The Federal Reserve building would have been a more plausible place to find trees and grass..

It's the first year he's doing it, the music used to all be stock.

So.. you know Chuck Austen was a producer on Steven Universe, right? He's doing his best to atone.