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    Sure. I mean, it was a little weird how he had to drag her physically toward the bedroom while she clung to a piece of furniture trying not to be moved, but obviously that's a necessary precursor toward any kiss, as we all know.

    Where on earth did you get that anyone was saying they were "offended on behalf of…real and fictional Pamelas"? Terry said s/he disliked the direction the script took because it showed someone attempting to rape a friend and getting rewarded with a romantic relationship with that friend, which it's not "paternalistic

    Well, I'm pretty sure he's ethnically Hawaiian. Counts?

    Not to nitpick, but the "numb like a robot" speech wasn't just in the original screenplay of Pretty Woman, it's in the actual facts movie.

    That sounds terrible! I want to watch it twice!

    I always found In Excelsis Deo just a little bit on the wrong side of schmaltzy. Noel is vastly superior.