Joel Hurst

I guess reddit is actually good for something.

A. Why do we assume he's a clerk? Can't he own the place?
B. There is a scene in The Quiet American where Brendan Fraser gets blood on his shoe from one of HIS bombs that killed a bunch of Vietnamese people. The cold, calm, casual and callous way he wiped off the blood was meant to show how heartless he really was,


I got in trouble at Whole Foods for renaming Thanksgiving. I told co-workers and customers alike "Happy Genocide Day."
(speaking of "shame and pride")

Al Bundy, for one.

The salesman was a dick, but he won in the end. The commission on Prada shoes is a hell of a lot more than for LK Bennetts.
I'm with you on the baby thing. I commented above that she reminds me of Andrea Yates or the lady in Gone Girl.
I don't think Tyrell is the mask guy. But I do think the show intentionally hints

I liked that scene A LOT. It reminded me of Elliot's scene at Steel Mountain (which I hate). I think this was Angela's "heel turn" that Esmail referred to in an interview a while back.
Also, shoes.

Cisco Systems.
I thought the gun guy was a new bf for Darlene. Seems like if that was the one she referred to on the train, she'd already know his safe combination.
I'd been wondering also, which character it is that puts the Guy Fawkes-y mask on and records the messages. Forget which episode it is, but it's

I think it's part of the score, by Mac Quayle.
It also kinda sounds like Autechre, but I don't have that app that id's music.

You bang out all those words on your Blackberry?!? Impressive.

Yes. Elliot moved him to the window, as requested.

Hardest-to-watch scenes:
1. Elliot berating the tour guide at Steel Mountain
2. Anything with Shayla in it
3. Elliot withdrawing in the hotel
4. Tyrell groveling for his job
5. Tyrell killing Sharon Knowles
6. Tyrell paying the apparently-homeless guy to let him beat him up (although it was consensual)

Hmmm…. Well, our dreams try to tell us what we already know, deep in our subconscious. His dreams tried to remind him of the dangers of continuing to use opiates, tried to remind him who his sister is, tried to remind him who HE is (when Angela got cut off…), finally the key motif….. Yeah that is something less

Yeah I realized that when I actually checked it out.

How is it NOT ok to say "fuck" but it's cool to say "my dress has come stains all over it?"
Can't wait for the bluray.

I've re-watched the pilot >12 times. Mostly for the score.

I think Mr Robot's are cancer coughs, while the coughs I've noticed from Elliot are withdrawal coughs.
I never noticed lesions though. Are those symptoms of leukemia?
I'm sticking with my "stuck-in-a-time-loop" theory. Like Groundhog Day, or
Nietzsche's "time is a flat circle" thing. Ok ok I got that from Rust Cohle.

" Is it a coincidence that there is a board scene where the guys are eating jumbo shrimp? Sexual duality…."

Damn dude. . .
I'll process your post and (maybe) offer some input. I like the BTTF stuff. I'm still thinking a deeper Matrix-y thing is going on, but idk how. I re-watched the White Christmas episode of Black Mirror, so maybe it's something like that
I googled 280652 and was directed here: https://www.facebook.com/pa…

I was wondering something similar about Ollie's extreme specificity when ordering Elliot to take those drives to Blank's. And what was on those drives? Clearly I missed something…
And who blew the place up?
And how did White Rose know about the honeypot?
Wtf is a honeypot anyway? Every time they say that I think of