
lol the comic version is much better… jeffrey dean morgan was great as the comedian but he's not the best Negan. My wife who doesn't read the comics like i do thinks he just overacts. The guy who plays simon actually might have made a better Negan but he isn't as famous as an actor of jeffrey. I think he does an ok

easily the worst episode of the season and had the most promise. Stop hiring writers for other shows unless they can write funny episodes. If someone writes for community a great show in its own right they SHOULD NEVER WRITE for always sunny. This is a black comedy show not some happy upbeat show on NBC/yahoo. Charlie

franks brother is easily the worst episode ever of always sunny, this episode is easily the worst of this season and had so much promise until the writer changed the characters. Charlie can't rhyme, dennis has feelings, c'mon man!

thats cause some hack wrote this episode and changed charlie from the man who wrote an amazing musical to someone who can't rhyme

horrible writing by some hack, the dude wrote the greatest musical ever in the nightman cometh yet can't rhyme anything all of a sudden poorly written episode and some people on here are praising this hack

i agree but it was not the worst of the season but i had such high expectations the full episode taking place in the bar. Where the hell is the waittress this season

the mick easily the best new show of 2017. Olson is killing it glad to see SWeet dee getting a chance to shine. she is great on always sunny but crushes the mick. this past episode was great the last 2 mick episodes have been amazing

you mean luke who i guess was babysitting joe, since manning was busy imagining banging his niece haley who is older then him and teaching her about game of nerds

he has always had a crush on haley and manny is just a weird character that kid all bout the incest and we want luke not the fat weird creepy kid

where the hell was luke. Loved how when the gay barista and the other chick were talking about the weird guy who comes in everyday with a crazy order was Manny, I saw it coming when the mentioned a weird little man with a crazy order but it was perfect. I think this episode deserves more then a C but sadly modern

sorry not sorry i made fun of you weird nerd show

did you really get me blocked and off this website. They deleted every comment i ever made in every thread. this is america what the hell you loser

mac needs to find the trucker from the charity episode and take him to a hotel and split him open like a coconut. This episode was great classic sunny it was nit to finally them at the bar again and to have good ole rickety cricket make an apperance. The dallas buyers club line was the best of the episode

rewatch a plane passes by in the background when rick is on top of the trash heap

yes! i was so ready for her to say alpha but its way to early for the whisperers… plus alpha is normal sized woman that Jadis is a tall drink of water.

come on admit you wanted Jadis to say her name was Alpha… but then again she would be bald then

can you explain the very real plane that flew in the background when he is on top of the trash heap

hate to burst your bubble but Negan is signed on for a while and STILL ALIVE IN THE COMICS… i was hoping the leader of the garbage pail kid was going to say her name was Alpha… major let down…. but alpha is bad ass

or he dies fighting zombies like in the comics…. most likely that will happen…. and king zekes head winds up on stick when he is killed by the whisperers the next baddie after negan