
I'm very excited to watch this. Feels like it's been a long time coming.

Illusions, Congress. Tricks are something you whores do for money……or cocaine!

Sex Pistols have always sucked. Torch it all I say!

Fortune and glory indeed.

Really looking forward to picking up the second Humans trade soon. That's all I've got.

Vienna Beef or GTFO.

This is a really great record. I need to go listen to it now after reading this.

In another sense, we all win!

Supposedly it's going to sell both points of view.

This looks great!!! I'm so excited!!

A+ picture for this article.

Guarantee void in Tenessee.

For those about to Rock, we request you do not!!


That sucks, but that really is a pretty badass way to have to retire I guess.

Two it is!

Maybe a little? BvS is going to be a monster and Zootopia will probably come in second while Batman runs. That being said, it just depends on word of mouth for BvS, if it has a massive opening but loses 60% of its business the following week Zootopia could be sitting pretty.

Dats deh shew.