
Shut up you nerds!! Can't you see he's trying to save you money on long distance!? THANKS OBAMA!

Pretty witchy. Could be witchier.

Sounds great!

Really hope this turns out well or he's going to look like even more of a jackass after this.

CBS has always bit.

Regardless of how you feel about him or what he said, it's really refreshing to see someone in the news not immediately backpedal on their opinion.

Can't wait to see this. It stings to know that Harris was supposed to play a pretty big part in the show though.

Another reason to dislike Nick Lachey! Hooray!

Think it looks great, I'm sure the weirdness will follow suit in coming previews. They premiered this during Walking Dead for Christ's sake, of course it was going to be toned down.

Ugh. Why? Why is this being made??

I didn't know he was still alive.

I haven't watched an episode since Season 2 so my big question is this: Who is Glenn?

Welcome to Camp Nightmare, combined with a poorly timed week at summer camp, instilled in me a lifelong fear of deep, dark woods.

I finally understand that Simpsons joke about the mist! Happy Halloween!!

Please turn this into a book or novella at the very least, followed by a middle-aged Daniel Radcliffe starring movie. Thanks in advance!

"I don’t know what Yahoo Screen is,” I laughed so hard. A+

No footlongs!

I'm more surprised that it's taken a conservative this long to publicly side with the empire.

STAAAAAR WARRRRS! Nothing but Star Wars!

I'd kill everyone in this room to make this happen.