Prom King

I actually thought this was a perfect end to Stannis' story. And yay, Davos is nowhere near that train wreck. Davos lives!

Melisandre's definitely keeping her lips sealed about all that up at the Wall.

But Beric! I didn't think his special resurrecting power was hackey and I don't think it will be hackey when and if Jon Snow returns from the dead.

Lost never got lost. Everything was explained. Perfect ending. An unpopular opinion, I know.

We'll see the full Stannis-Brienne scene next season.

You're dismissing a lot of strong arguments about the lack of necessity of the Sansa rape, and in an offensive way. That's why. Shut up.

Great point except the depiction in Contempt still ended up being hot. There was nothing remotely hot about Cersei's walk (nor was it intended to be, of course).

Oh shut up already.

Even with the EW interviews, it's hard to imagine Jon Snow is dead for good. Why else would Melisandre come to Castle Black? I doubt Davos will be staying there, and with both Sam and Davos gone, is Melisandre's story now going to focus on her interactions with Alliser Thorne and Ollie and Edd? That just doesn't make

Overall I thought this was a pretty enjoyable episode, but Chandler's lecture to Vanessa about killing was really annoying and corny. He really didn't see the need for that kind of justice? I would think a gun slinging American of that time period would totally get it. Even worse was his "little girl" comment later.

I can't believe I missed that! I had the lights turned down and everything. Interesting, and thanks for the specific time, I'll check it out.

Classic first generation.

Ha! But no, I'm thinking more about the cheap snark wormhole that Williamson fell into years ago and the trash heap of hysteria and nonsense that Murphy calls his new home. These days it feels to me like Williamson and Murphy court a different audience than Fuller: a stupid audience.

I loved the creepiness of this Pazzi, it was a perfect fit for Hannibal. I thought Giannini was hammy, like most of the cast of that film.

Except Murphy and Williamson could learn a lot from Fuller and Logan.

The interviews with Lars von Trier I've seen are all Lars being cheerful and sardonic with a sort of manic edge. He's amusing.

But David Lynch does makes pretentious art films (and tv). And what he makes is amazing. Pretentious art rules; CSI procedurals drool.

Don't Look Now is incredible.

Just remember that this show features Murder Wizards and let all that tension go!

One is a fascinating thriller (so far). The other is art.