Prom King

So far I'd rank it lower-middle. Definitely lower than the first BvW, and that one doesn't rank for me much higher than the middle.
But I'm still enjoying it. There's no one on this cast that makes my skin crawl and who is also somehow in power.

I wonder if the problem was that he targeted Missy instead of Keith. I still don't get why he didn't do that. Maybe he was letting his personal feelings get in the way of strategizing, again.

You're not out here to make friends.


I'm really not sure where "black man in silent hindsight" is coming from or even what it means. And if Jeremy was white, would you have said "white man in silent hindsight"?

Switch out Jon for Baylor and that's my top 5 pick as well.

It was pleather. Rick doesn't do pleather.

Loved the part about the zombies eventually defrosting in the summer. Surprise, Canadians!

Because memorization will help you survive ZA? Huh.

It's in the eyes! It is like he is always guilty of something and full of self-loathing.


Yeah I think that season has one of the less appealing Survivor casts. Heidi, Alex, and Roger were particularly hard to watch. Rob was a douche but I thought he was easily the most entertaining part of the season.

As lame as Candice has been in each of her seasons, she actually was a part of memorable moments (mutiny, unsuccessful flip-flopping in her second, vendetta against Brad in her third). not so much with Kelley.

How has Reed been emotional? I'm not seeing it.

I really liked Dale, at least up until this episode. I wonder if what we saw tonight was the real Dale. I still want to root for him because he's an underdog, but I just did not get his level of animosity towards a woman he pretty much just met.

Joke. Har-dee-har-har?

I'm so glad Jaclyn was voted out so I can now stop confusing her with Kelley.

Reviewer is wrong. Great episode! Tone, villain, dialogue, effects - everything worked. Definitely not a B-, more like an A-.

You must be watching the sideways universe version of Seth Gilliam because the man twitches like he breathes. Always twitching. It's a subtle twitch. It's in the eyes! Watch the eyes!

Like everyone, Maggie assumed that Beth would be dead two seasons ago, so she's got the grieving part over with. Plus she's clearly moved on to New Beth.