Prom King

Probst: "Mother-Daughter matchup! BEEN WAITIN FOR THIS!"
I could practically feel the Probst erection. And then mother splits daughter's lip. All of his dreams are coming true at once!

I'd be happy if it was like Gabon, I thought that season was pretty entertaining. Although too much of Matty crying. But Nicaragua, I hope not. For some reason I started hating Nicaragua after Brenda was voted off.

Unimpressed by Val. Not unhappy to see her go.

Yeah he's always been an asshole, right from the beginning. But he really has gotten much worse over the years, moving from vaguely objectionable to intolerable. There's a major difference between the Probst of then and the Probst of now. He's turned from a glass of cheap wine that you could deal with to a glass of

But I still sorta loved her, despite being the worst. I especially loved when she talked about herself in the third person. Plus… surprise underdog! I did not predict that

I can't disagree, all solid points when looking at pure individual athleticism. Ozzy is the top dog, despite how much I dislike him. I wonder if Malcolm would be up there, another one I dislike.

Colby in his first season was amazing, and along with Terry Dietz, has the most challenge wins. Hard to remember after his sad return visits, but I think Colby was as physically dominant as Ozzy if not more so.

I don't think I've watched a single episode of all the seasons of Survivor without being high. It's the only way I can deal with watching an hour of Jeff Probst without getting violent. It's purely medicinal.

I don't think they truly trusted him again after Alex, and I think his recognition of their lost trust was part of his impetus for removing Heidi. it was not a bad move to get rid of Alex but I thought he handled it badly because he was from that point on seen as an untrustworthy rat by the girls. I don't think Matt

I suppose I have a problem in just immediately dismissing the pretty types, both men & women. I should work on that. Many of them have even won. Maybe Survivor has just cast too many model-bartenders who've annoyed me and I'm over it.

Awesome, thanks for the link

Nice to see Tocantins up there. JT is one of my favorite winners. And, later, one of my favorite chumps. He really covers all of the bases.

Your top 2?

Oh there's that post, right below me. Wow, I'm a genius.

I'm just not seeing the sharp. Not yet at least. I think Val and remaining Twin and maybe Baylor have potential but I haven't seen anything yet. I have more of a general pageant vibe than a sharp vibe so far. Hopefully I'm completely wrong.

Thanks! I have been lurking since Survivor first started being reviewed on AV Club. A long time. Gosh, now I've creeped myself out. But I've never had the urge to post anywhere else besides Goodreads. Not sure why this season gave me a change of heart. But for some reason when Jeremy described himself as a "prom

Dale, Josh, Baylor, Jeremy. Thanks for running this game!

I thought most of the featured players this episode were pretty eye-rolling. Both a younger and an older version of Jock & Cheerleader is a bit much. Twins were annoying. Fabios were annoying. Dramatic nonsense between Jeremy & Val was annoying. A kid who leaves his terminally ill dad to play some game is more than